Chapter 2

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                 "I'm going to be late, mom," Josh yelled into the hall "no you won't we'll be fine," his drunken mother tripped out of her bedroom. 

Josh clenched his fist and took in a deep breath.  Momma Dun is my spirit animal she's a great person in real life :) "i'm walking to school," Josh yelled "bye honey," she said waving like he was already gone. 

He rolled his eyes and got his back pack on and headed towards school.

                  Josh's POV

I checked my phone and saw it was only seven.  I sighed in relief  and made my way to school. 

I walked on the sidewalk without my friends, I was sure they were already almost to school.  It felt lonely to be left behind.  I didn't mind it. 

I walked on the other side of the road as a kid with black skinny jeans and a skeleton hoodie.  He had a frown on his face and numerous times he sighed or changed the song on his phone. 

I pitied him for some reason and felt bad for him.  I don't think he even noticed me watching him.  He never said anything. 

When I got to school I totally broke my locker and everything explodedout of it.  I sighed and my cheeks got red. 

I was assigned a bottom locker.  I rolled my eyes.  I hated bottom lockers but it was better than nothing.  I was putting my things in my new locker.

My friends started crowding around me "I feel so bad for you, dude," my friend Chase laughed and Skylar giggled along. 

"Why?" I asked raising my eyebrows "the weird kid has the locker right up above you," Cohen said slapping my back. 

"Thats rude," I said shaking my head "you'll understand soon," Chase said.

"Whatever," I told them and the kid with skinny jeans and the skeleton hoodie approached us. 

My friends walked away without me, again.  Tyler waited for me to finish "hi," I said trying to make conversation. 

He looked at me.  I waved my hand.  He turned his iPhone off.  "Nice phone," I said.  He said nothing. 

"Okay," I said and took my stuff and when I looked at him again he put his finger up to his mouth and shook his head.

"You don't talk?" I asked and he shook his head hard.  "Okay, your name?" I asked "do you play any sports?" I asked again. 

He took his phone out in notes and started writing. 


I dont play sports, and u play football, right?

"Yeah," I shook my head and he shook his as well.   Debby saw me and called me over.  I walked over "you weren't at your locker," she said frustrated "I got a new one I broke my other one," I said "you don't even know your own strength you idiot," Debby said and laughed. 

"Yeah," I said scratching the back of my head like I always do when I get nervous. 

                    Tyler's POV

          Josh broke his locker so he has the locker right below me, great.  It bothered me so much and he actually tried to start conversation. 

He must've heard I wouldn't talk and that why he did it then he ran over to his girlfriend or whatever. 

I took a deep breath and got my stuff before first hour.  Since Josh was even closer to me amd tried to talk to me made me nervous and my stomach flipped over and over again to the point it hurt. 

I shouldn't be thinking like this and it hurts because other people don't think like this.  I've never been normal anyway, no one cares anyway what do you have to lose? I shook my head and walked to my class. 

I sat down in my seat and got my things organized.   A few kids bumped into me and laughed.  I rolled my eyes. 

"Hi, Tyler," I heard a voice next to me, I looked up to see Jenna Black.  Her blond hair was in a messy high bun.  I waved my hand and smiled at her. 

She patted my back and sat down next to me.  I have no interest in dating her like she does me.  I'm not quit sure why she likes me. 

I'm not sure how anyone could like me.  "How are you?" I shrugged my shoulders and she nodded. 

The usual routine.  She'll ask me something I'll shrug my shoulders she'll nod and try again.  It'll keep goingon until class starts. 

I like the company. 

I just uploaded everything, I doubt anyone's going to read it but its still fun :)

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