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I sat opposite you at lunch.

As usual.

I liked your company.

You had your sleeves rolled up.

And your arms had fresh scars.


you saw me notice,

And you quickly rolled them down.

But I had already seen them.

And I asked


And you shrugged your shoulders.

"You can talk to me"

You stared down at the table.

Like I was not even there.

And I felt sad.

How could I reach to you?

I've only heard your voice a few times.

I love your voice.

You took out your sketchbook and open a page.

And I looked at it.

And I saw myself.

My usual blond curls you had painted blue.

My eyes were blue in real life, but you had made them yellow.

My skin which was pale, you had made green and purple.

And it was so accurate.

And it was me.

How I felt.


IM MAKEING A NEW BOOK OMGGGGGGGG. its a little different, its a fantasy book called "Rose Valentine, And The Untold Secrets" REEAD IT I BEG OFF YOU. I'm SUCH A LONLEY PATATO.OMGGGGGG. K Bie.

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