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Name- ((I'm not telling you!)) let's call me... Allie.
Looks- white, dirty blond/brown hair that reaches just below the shoulders, 5'4, eye colour changes blue/green/grey, hourglass figure, mostly wears jeans and a t-shirt,
Personality-((this is according to ma friends)) Nice, quirky, loyal, funny, smart,
Species- Human
Backstory- When I was little, my dad would visit me every Sunday and hangout with me for the whole day. One night, he called my mom and they got in a fight. When Sunday came again he never came to meet me... I never saw him again. My mom met my stepdad and they had two kids. A girl and a boy. The girl is older by two years. They got married and we moved here.
Other- I am VERY protective of my friends and family. You mess with them, you mess with me... and I took ju jitsu.

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