No-Part Four-

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Dejia  was   so   confused  on  how  she  was  here,  first  she  was  at  her  brother's  funeral, now she's  at  the  hospital  waiting  for  her  brothers  to  be  born "daddy"  Dejia  called "yes sweetheart?"  "What  does  the  twins  mean  to  mommy?" Dejia  asked,  making  Dejia  father  look at her  questionably  "they mean  the  world  to  her, but  that also means  you  too" Dejia  eyes  watered,  how  was  she  going  to  pick,  would  her  mom  understand?,  Or  will  she  never  forget  her?,  "Ugh, my head"  Dejia  exclaimed, the  room  was  spinning  again,  over  and  over, until  then Dejia  woke  up,  her  head  was  wailing  as  she  looked  at  the  light  ahead  of  her.
"Dejia" her mother  yelled "ow" "sorry" dejia mother said " how long do I have to make the choice"  "ten minutes" Josh says, painfully,  Dejia  faced  paled  in that response, "how am  I  going  to  do  this" Dejia thought "tick-tock little girl, only ten minutes left so you better hurry and figure out your choice" the man in the black ski mask said "it's okay Dejia, will understand your decision either way" Damion said, Dejia was just  getting  sick  with  the  whole  scenario that  was happening, just then, there was a noise coming from the broom closet that was locked from the outside "what's that?," "your father" Dejia mother said sorrowful, almost wounded, Dejia was angry, no incensed, no......She was livid, Dejia ran close to the door that seemed like it was miles away from freedom, Dejia father was the key  to help her and her family escape the hell hole that she's living, as Dejia was touching the lock, then she felt something or someone touching her hair, she tried to ignore whatever it is, but then it started to pull, that's when dejia started to panic, ¨No, PLEASE NO,¨ ¨Dejia, Dejia are you ok you were zoned out for 3 minutes¨ Josh says, Dejia was more than confused, she thought what she saw, what she witness!, She was starting to lose it.
¨you have less than 7 minutes little girl¨ the man in the orange ski mask said, Dejia started to panic, she couldn't breath, nor listen to anything her mother was say, "Am I having a panic attack¨ Dejia thought while she was shaking violently, she could barely even see when she was trying to stand up, she couldn't do this anymore she had to get her father, Dejia was walking slowly towards the broom closet, not hearing the men in the ski mask yelling at her to stop or warning her they will knock her in the head with the gun (can't say ¨buttstroke¨), but she didnt listen, ¨I want this to end, please lord let me make it, please,¨ but that wasn't the case she was so close when she got clocked in the head, it didn't phase dejia, she just stood there, looking around on what just happened, she touched the back of her head, bringing her hand close to her face, blood, Dejia was feeling dizzy, she was seeing black spots in her vision she knew what was going to happen, she was going to black out.
Dejia woke up.....On a couch "where am I" Dejia thought, she started to stand and look around when she found something.....A cremation pot, Dejia was more than confused until she read the memorial, Dejia sobbed, it was her mother, but how she was just with her, did she already choose, ¨dejia"  josh says "are you going to do my homework or not"  "what" dejia was confused, her brother never asked her to help nor just do his homework "what, what, what, you're an idiot you know that, you're even more dummer than damion and he's pretty stupid" "excuse me" Dejia was raging and getting annoyed, "I don't know who you think you are but if you dare talk to me like that aga-" Dejia couldn't even finish the sentence as her father came out of nowhere and........slapped her "you will do whatever they say, you got it you stupid twat, you gave them the life to live so i'm making them live to the fullest, you will have to suffer the choice you made, you understand" Dejia was awestruck, never in her life has her father hit her, not even for punishment "I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND" Dejia father hits her again and again until she blacks out....or so she thought.

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