Would You Like A Jelly Baby?

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It's my first fan fiction of My Little Pony starring the 4th doctor version of Dr. Whooves and my favorite pony Rarity.

An unusual swooshing noise was coming from near the outskirts of Ponyville, a dark blue police-box faded in to the scenery. The doors open and out step a platinum fur color stallion unicorn with the curliest brown mane, and bluest eyes anypony had ever seen. He was wearing a brown old fedora style hat with a hole for his horn to stick out through, a long colorful scarf that he never once tripped over and a small white pouch that carried Jelly Babies inside the Doctor's favorite treat. The doctor look around "I have no memory of this place." He said has he look around then he heard pony hooves in the distance. " Oh wait I remember now Ponyville boy this place takes me back...or forward I can't quite make that out nowadays" he chuckled to himself has he head off in to town.

Meanwhile, in the Carousel Boutique back in the town of Ponyville, Rarity was getting ready to start her day. She woke up bright and early since she had a lot of orders of her dresses to fill and wanted to get a head start for once. She started going down the stairs when she trip over something shiny and purple. "Ahh!" She screamed has she fell luckily she caught herself and was levitating just an inch above the floor before her horn went on the fritz. She got up off the floor "Sweetie bell!" She yelled "I told you not to play with my fabrics and leave them where they aren't suppose to be!" Sweetie bell poked her head out from upstairs "I didn't Rarity honest." she look down at her sister " Maybe you trip over your own mane you normally don't wear it like that." Rarity raised one eyebrow at her sister "What do you mean I have worn my mane curled up since"... She gasped when she saw her reflection in to a mirror to see her mane all wavy and down to her hooves. She tried to get her mane curled up, but her horn wasn't working she immediately thought of the last time that happen. Oh no she thought the tree of the elements she ran outside expecting to see total chaos, but everything, everypony and even the sky was the same. What is going on she thought maybe the girls will know she ran over to Twilight's house, but no one was home. Maybe she is at Pinkie Pie's place she thought and raced over there.

Pinkie Pie had no idea why her whole body was shuddering, but she had to control it because the Sugarcube Corner was swamped with customers. She was so grateful for the help of the babies Pumpkin and Pound Cake who were using there powers and flight to get the orders out faster. Mrs. Cake was working the front while Mr. Cake was organizing the orders. The front door open and in step the Doctor. "Oh my stars" Mrs. Cake gasped " What happen to you?!" The Doctor look around confused "My dear lady have we met, because I'm afraid I'm not good with faces at this particular moment." He said squinting at her as if that would help jog his memory. Mrs. Cake shook her head " No I must have been mistaken you for someone... What can I get you?" The Doctor shrug off the awkward welcoming "Um..mm what did I come here for...Oh! Yes jelly babies!" He exclaimed "Do you by any chance carry any?!" Before Mrs. Cake could ask what those were Pinkie Pie rush in and said "Yes we do Doctor!!"

Idk why it's all italic but I can't change it back :(

Rarity burst though the doors "Pinkie pie!!" She rushed over to her. Pinkie pie stared at Rarity " You look different Rarity"..Gasped "Did you get a haircut?!" Rarity blew a piece of her mane out of her eye " No!" She said annoyed " I have been looking for Twilight, I can't use my magic, my mane won't curl up and I keep tripping over it darling it's the worst thing ever to have happen to me!" She wailed. The doctor took out his sonic screwdriver it made a buzzing noise has he put it close to her horn " Well miss it seems something is interfering with your horn and your magic" he put his screwdriver back under his hat. Rarity sniffed "what who would want to do that, who could do that?!" Pinkie pie bounce around " Beats me but, I bet it has to do with all this shuddering I had this morning!" Her whole body shuddered has she bounce around Rarity "See I told you!" said Pinkie pie. Rarity look worried "Well I better go find Twilight maybe she will know" she said sadly. The Doctor went up to Rarity "I hate to see a pretty thing like you so sad" he pulled out his pouch "Would you like a jelly baby?" Rarity gave him a small smile and took one "Thank you darling I don't believe I caught your name" she stared at his big blue eyes and started to blush. Before the Doctor could tell her Pinkie Pie interrupted "He's The Doctor silly he's a time traveling pony who can rejuvenate, he only shows up when bad things happen.. Or is it bad things happen when he's around?!" She asked herself raising an eyebrow at her own introduction of the Doctor. The Doctor chuckled " I believe you got me on that one, but trouble does seem to follow me."

Twilight was out with Spike at Fluttershy's house something was making all her little animal friends sick. Fluttershy was having a hard time trying to deal with not being to know what was wrong with them. "I-I don't know what to do Twilight it happen so fast."she said worriedly. Twilight look over each one of Fluttershy's animal " I'm worried to I tried every spell I could think of, but it seems nothing helping them." Just has she finished Applejack rush in "Girls we're have a crisis down at the farm all my apples are comin in rotton!" Applejack look around Fluttershy' s "I see you havin your own crisis too." She looked over at Angel who was running a high fever. Twilight look over at Applejack "Fluttershy you and Spike stay here and try to help the animals, Applejack and I will head down to the farm and see if these two problems are anyway related to each other." Spike and Fluttershy nodded in agreement as Applejack and Twilight head off to the farm. Applejack headed over the apples she had picked and showed Twilight how rotten the were inside. "That's awful Applejack." Applejack nodded "I'm afraid we're gonna lose the farm if we can't reverse this." She said sadly. Just then Pinkie Pie enter jumping up and down "Hiyah Applejack and Twilight, I want you guys to meet me my new friend the Doctor!" Twilight and Applejack turned and looked at the unicorn stallion that was standing next to a long mane Rarity. "Hello" he waved "I'm the doctor and I have heard a lot about you two from Miss Rarity" Rarity blushed when she hear him say her name "and of course Pinkie pie told me a great deal although I couldn't make out half of what she was saying to me." He looked at Applejack apples that she was showing Twilight. Applejack notice him staring at them so she tried to hide them behind her "Well it's mighty nice to meet you Doctor, what kinda Doctor are you." She said staring at his hourglass cutie mark. " I have never seen a doctor with that kind of cutie mark before" said Twilight. The Doctor wasn't paying attention he was looking around at the apple trees. "These trees are sick." He said taking out his screwdriver "Well imagine that it's the only time it's worked on wood!" he said excitingly has he scanned the trees with it. "I'm afraid something is draining the inside of theses trees and I believe it's coming from inside the forest, but where it won't tell me." He said has he placed his sonic screwdriver back into his hat.

Rainbow dash swooshed in her landing was off and she slammed in to Applejack. "Sorry Applejack I don't know what's gotten into me my flying been off all day." Rainbow dash said has she got off Applejack. Rarity look at the Doctor " Do you think we should head into the forest Doctor?" The Doctor look at Twilight "I think that we have no choice." He said. Twilight nodded " Okay girls let's go." Deep inside the forest an evil was brewing four white trees have risen in the forest and with them four headless horses to guard them.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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