CHAPTER 4: Wake Up And Run

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Alyssa and I wake up in a ransacked classroom. We both are tied to the stationary table by the windows. There’s a bunch of desks all over the place, papers everywhere, pools of blood on the floor, a severed head, and a dead body. “Damn it, i can't get out of this rope” Alyssa screams as she’s pulling the rope hard. “ Shit!” I scream out of frustration. I look down on the floor and see a sharp shard of glass. I reach for it, grab it and try to cut the rope off. After 10 minutes of slicing, the rope finally broke apart. I get up, walk to alyssa, and cut her rope. A screwy, as i like to call them, came into the room and grabbed me by my hair. I headbutt him and kick him to the ground. I take out the sharp shard of glass from out of my pocket and stab him in the chest. He dies instantly. “Alyssa let's go!” i scream. She gets up and follows after me. We both don’t know where the hell the other kids are. We both run towards the Main Entrance/ Exit and come upon the bodies of the students that were with us earlier. “No, What the hell?” Alyssa cries as she falls to the ground in shock. “What the hell do we do?” i scream. I try not to cry from the sight but the tears eventually poured down my face. A screwy walks around the corner. “Where the hell do you think you’re going, you son of a bitch?” the screwy says in a whispering creepy voice. “I'm going to get hell out of here and you’re not going to stop me” I scream in his face. He slaps me and i fall to the ground. I scream angrily as get on his back and start punching him in his neck. “Alyssa, help me” i scream in a panicky voice. “You son of a bitch”. Alyssa shouts as she grabs a trophy from the trophy case, charges at him and hits him both of his legs. He falls to ground and i get off of his back. Alyssa bashes his head with a trophy until he stops moving.

THE CONSPIRACY THEORY SERIES: The Chemtrails (The Samapple Town Incident)Where stories live. Discover now