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"Dan wake up its already noon"

"Mmm five more minutes" Dan say snuggling closer to Phil.

"Come on I wanna take you out" Phil says running his fingers through Dans hair
"Where are we going?" Dan says standing up and stretching.

"Where do you want go" Phil asks,

"Hmm I rather stay here and watch a movie" Dan states

"Hmm okay" Phil says while getting up and putting on clothes.

"I wanna watch a horror movie."

"Um Dan maybe we should just watch a disney mov-"

"You're not scared are you?" Dan questions Phil with a smirk

"Pfft of course not what kind of adult is scared of horror movies?" Phil says

"Come on pleaseeeeeeee" Dan whines

"Ugh fine"

"Dont worry I'll protect you from the monsters" Dan teases Phil.

"Im the one whos supossed to be protecting you" Phil pouts Dan giggles

"Stop being a baby"



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