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Dan woke up the next morning, he stretched as he stood up, he then proceeded to walk to the kitchen. He takes a bowl, milk, and cereal out, he pours the cereal then the milk. His phone buzzed

Chris: Yo how was it?

Me: How was what?

Chris: Yah know 👉👌 😉

Dan chuckled, he couldnt hide anything from Chris.

Me: Its none of your beezwax 😛

Chris: R o o d

Dan eat a spoonful of his cereal satisfied with his reply,

Me: What about you? Have you and Justin done it yet?

Chris: ...


Chris: Shut up u asshat

Dan puts his phone away, he will talk to Chris the next day he wanted to know what exactly happened between Justin and Chris.

"Morning." Phil said while yawning.

"Morning sleepy head." Dan said giving Phil a kiss on the cheek,

"I have a whole day of fun planned today." Phil said

Dan smiles and giggles, he couldnt wait for the things they are going to do.

HELLO I FINALLY UPDATED ITS BEEN A WHILE OKAY ILL STOP TYPING IN CAPS. Sorry for not updating! I had writersblock :/
Hopefully the next chapter will be out soon!

- Ciel

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