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I am soo soo Sorry i feel terible for not updating sooner but ive just started high school again :( but anyways hope you like the Prologue xx 


Amanda and Jack Peverell have been worried for weeks as they have 3 month old baby twin girls and its the first wizarding war. One baby is risky enough, to have twins and be related to the Potter's is the biggest risk of all.

Lily, Shayna and Harry seem to be ignorant of any danger as they are just giggling and laughing their little hearts out. Right now the Peverell's are at the Potter's home letting Lily and James know that they have decided to move to Broome away from England to Western Australia. It is the 30th of October 1981 and the only chance Amanda and Jack have to get out as far away as possible from England. This a hard thing for Amanda and Jack to do as they have all their relatives living in England nowhere else.

"Lily, James, we are moving to Australia away from all this, we don't want to lose our little girls," Amanda announced when they were far enough away from the children.

"But we don't want you to stop with our contact," said Jack.

Lily and James did sincerely understand their reasoning behind moving and wished them fair well.

Amanda, Jack, Lily and Shayna left the Potter's Cottage soon after and walked down the main street of Godrics Hollow to their home for a final check over the sold house making sure they had everything they needed. By the time they were about to leave Amanda was in tears about leaving. Once she had calmed down slightly Amanda grabbed Lily in her arms and Jack picked up Shayna. Amanda had a small bag with all their belongings shrunken and put inside. With one last glance both Amanda and Jack apparated away with side-along apparation with the girls. As they reappeared they were in a small rundown flat in Broome, North-West Australia. Amanda and Jack had one idea to make a living in Australia and that was potions, as a huge demand was needed in Australia and set up Peverell Potions Co. to serve all Australia with potion ingredients and well made potions.

Lily and James were murdered the next day and was the day Harry became famous and taken away from it all to Petunia. Lord Voldermort was gone, for now.  


Happy Valentins Day! its a bit short but i couldn't think of anything else to write for the prologue. Hope you like it

Em xx 

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