chapter 1

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*y/n pov*

today was the day. i decided to join the survey corps with eren, mikasa, armin, jean, sasha, connie, reiner, bertholt, ymir and krista. at first i wasn't sure what i was going to choose but i've always wanted to go outside the walls.

ever since armin brought a book he had found. he told us about water that has tonnes of salt called the ocean. the cool thing is that it never runs out! i would love to see that. there were many things outside the walls that i would love to see.

but then...  the colossal titan showed up and took away everything that we loved. my home, family, friends. as i was walking i didn't know that i started crying until i felt a tap on my shoulder.

i turn aroun to see krista and everyone else  looking at me with a worried look. "y/n are you ok/ you started crying" krista asked me. i felt my cheek to feel a liquid. "yeah im fine haha" i said while whipping the tears away rapidly. i started blushing embarrassed that i was caught crying.

"ok if you say so" and with that we started walking again. i wasn't really sure where we were going exactly but i heard that we were going to this entrance ceremony. when we got there we stood in front of a stage.

commander erwin was speaking to us about something but i didn't really pay attention. for some reason i kept looking at some short guy standing up there. apparently thats corporal levi. so thats who everyone says is humanities strongest.

but hes so short...well actually he looks taller than me.  why am i so short (T-T)

*time skip to after the entrance ceremony brought to by erwins magical eyebrows*

after everything was done we decided to and get something to eat for dinner.on our way we were talking while sasha and connie were drooling dreaming about all of the food that  they could eat.

soon enough we go to the food hall. sasha and connie instantly ran of towards the food.w just waited at the side until they had already gotten their food. i ship them together i think that someday they will make a cute couple.

they ran off to a table and started stuffing their faces with all the food. i only got something small to eat because i wasn't really hungry. we all went and sat at the table. surprisingly sasha and connie had already finished their food.

*another time skip to after we all finish eating*

squad leader hanji was leading us to our rooms. none of us were sharing a room but we were all really close. "hey did everyone want to come to my room after everyone settles in?" mikasa asked "yeah that sounds great!" everyone agreed well see you guys soon. bye~" armin said "yeah see ya."

everyone left to go to there rooms. i walked into my room and had a shower.

*time skip to after shower*

i grabbed a f/c over sized shirt and f?c pants. i stepped out of my room closing the door behind me. i got scared when i heard a voice behind me "cadet where do you think you're going at this time at the night?"

i turned around to see captain levi "sir i was just going to a friend room" i said scared. "whos room exactly?" " why do you want to know i asked with a smirk "tch just answer the damnquestion brat!" that scared me.

i didn't think that he would yell. "jeez ok im going to mikasas room sir." kept starring at him. "cadet,cadet!" "huh?" is all i said. noticing that i was starring i quickly looked down in embarrassment "well are you going to answer my question!" "sorry sir but i didn't hear you sir"

"tch, pay more attention brat! my question was you wouldn't mind if hanji didher weird experiments on you?" he looked t you dead in the eyes not showing any emotions. i thought about the question "it'll be ok?" i said more like questioning my own answer.

ok hanji said that to meet her in her office at 8:00am tomorrow." and with that he left. i was standing there for a while thinking about how handsome he is. i started walking towards mikasas room.

it was so quiet that the only thing i could hear was my bare feet against the cold floor. on my way i passed a window. i looked outside to see the sky was covered by clouds. then the clouds started to part to show the big moon and the shimmering stars.

it was so beautiful! there was a shooting star so i closed my eyes and made a wish "i wish for (insert what you wish for)" i stood there looking out the window up at the beautiful sky. "oh shoot im supposed to be at mikasas room with everyone else by now.

i raced off to her room and knocked three times on the door. i heard someone yell "i'll get it" and as soon as the door opened i was greeted with a wonderful horse face. "hey jean!" i smiled "oh my gosh y/n you're ok!" he said while bending down giving me a hug.

"of course im ok! Why?" I asked jean. "You were taking a long time to get here. Did anything happen to you on your way here?

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