Chapter Seven - The real you

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Anna POV

 Since Jacob wasn't able to come to the library today I decided to head home, usually I would spend a little time in the library to study but I was tired and I just wanted to get away from school. Michael"s grandparents were in town so we weren't able to hang out as we usually do. 

I pulled in to the garage to find my dad's car.  My dad didn't usually park in the gararge he usually just left his car in the driveway. Plus what was he doing home so early.

I entered the house dropping my book bag

"Dad?" I called as I checked around. I looked around the living room and kitchen, soon I looked over at the coffee table and saw two wine glasses, each about quarter ways empty. Was mom home too? I didn't see her car.

I walked up the stairs towards my parents room, loud groans echoed into the hallway. I walked up to the door pushing it sightly....."Dad?"

I stopped in the middle of the doorway as we all looked back and forth at each other. This woman who I had never seen was in my parent's bed with my bed. My dad had a mistress. He never had enough time for family dinners but he had time for a mistress. " I think I should go," she stuttered grabbing her clothing.

"Yeah, I think you should," I said disgusted.

"Look, sweetie, I can explain," my dad said with an apologetic look on his face.

"I don't- " I managed to get out as I placed my hand up stopping him, I walked away and looked myself in my room.

I sat on my bed crying for hours. How could he do this? How long as this been going on?

I thought about doing homework to get my mind off of it but I remembered I had left my bag downstairs which also had in my phone so I patiently waited until my dad had left.

After I heard his car pull out the garage I grabbed my phone to call Michael, "Man, you'll never believe what I just found out," I said as my voice broke again.

A couple weeks later........

Jacob POV

  It's been about a month now since Anna has been tutoring me, I mean she pretty cool. We sat in the library as we went through formulas once more. The librarian had gotten accused to us coming here so she didn't"t really pay us much attention.

"Hey you wanna come to a party with us on Friday night," I asked looking up from the periodic table.

"Um.....I don't know..." she replied uncertain.

"Come on, it'll be fun plus you could bring Anna the dork along," I said as I tapped my pencil on the desk.

"First off, his name is Michael and second, are you sure I can come? I don't think Becca likes me," she replied defensively. She was right though, Becca didn't really like her but if she got to know her I think she would.

"Fine, " I said, "Think about it and you could bring along MICHAEL."

She smiled as she checked her watch, it was now 5pm and we gathered our books to leave.

"Here's my number, text me if you change your mind," I said as I handed her a piece of paper.

We walked out the building together got in our vehicles and drove out the lot.

The next day........

"Jake babe, you gotta help me get some stuff for the party tonight, it's gonna be my best party yet," Becca said as I walked into the school with her latched on my arm.

"Oh yeah,I invited Anna," I said facing her with a smile.

Her face dropped. " You did what?" she said suddenly, "Whyy?"

"Because she's a friend," I answered simply.

"You know what, fine, if you wanna invite dorks to my party I don't care," Becca said as she released my arm and walked away angrily.

" Love you," I called after her. She replied by raising her middle finger.

Friday Night........

Music blazed as everyone held red plastic cups in their hands as they bounced to the music. "This is a great party," I over-heard a girl say to her friend as I walked through the crowd searching for Becca she hadn't spoken to me since earlier today when I told her I invited Anna.

I gripped the rose I held as I approached her where she stood posed by the refreshment table. "Hey babe," I said approaching her with a smile.

She brushed me off coldly so I grabbed her waist hugging her from behind. I heard her give a slight laugh and I knew I was off the hook.

"You better be glad you cute," she said looking up at me. I smiled as she grabbed my hand and we made our way to the dance floor.

We danced for about 20minutes then Tori and Megan arrived and she went over to them. I glanced over to the door and saw  Anna and her friend Michael enter. She looked so different, usually she just wore jeans and a hoodie or jeans and a t-shirt shirt but tonight she had on a skin tight leather dress  that showed off her figure. Everyone looked at her as she entered.

I calmly walked over to her," Hey, you made it," I smiled giving her a hug, "and you too," I said looking over at Michael who just snobbed me.

"Wanna dance?" I asked as I held my hand out. She looked over at Michael.

"Go ahead, I'll be fine, I'll just go over by the punch bowl," he said as he turned to that direction.

She grabbed my hand and we walked onto the dance floor.

We danced awhile and she seemed comfortable but then she pulled away saying she was tired.

Hours later the party was finished and I hadn't gotten a chance to dance with Anna again. I helped Becca clean up along with the guys. "It was a great party babe," I said as I pecked her on the cheek.

"Thanks babe," she said as she gathered some dirty plates throwing them in the big garbage bag she held, "I'm still mad at you though."

"Why, what did I do?" I asked confused as I helped clean.

"because you brought her here then you were dancing all up on her," she continued.

I laughed, "Are you jealous?" i asked in disbelief. She turned her back and walked away from me. Why was she jealous? It's not like I liked Anna.

After helping Becca clean I got in my car and headed home, it was around midnight and I was still surprised to find light in the house. I pulled up and parked. I unlocked the door and my eyes widened as I saw my mom on the floor helpless as my father stood over her screaming and shouting. He raised his hand to hit her once more and without thought I ran and grabbed his hand. He retaliated by hitting me across my face knocking me to the ground. My mom gasped as I hit the ground hitting my side in the coffee table.

I got up kneeling on the floor as I coughed up blood. "Jacob," i heard my mom whisper.

"Jake, I'm so sorry," i heard my dad said apologetically. I looked up at him, tears coming from my eyes. How could he?

I got up and stumbled over to get my car keys and left as my dad called behind me.

The rain poured as if it felt my pain. Speeding down the street tears streamed down my face. My dad had never laid a hand on me. My side ached from hitting the coffee table and blood continued to form in my mouth. I sped up not knowing where I was going but I wasn't going home, not tonight anyway.

Before I knew it the car sped out of control and I hit a brick wall causing me to blank out.

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