Chapter 1

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Move #20 Fort Benning, Georgia

     "Zoelynn you're going to be late if you don't hurry up. It will be a bad first impression if you are late." Grandma yells from the bottom of the stairs
"Yes grandma I know." I grumble. My first day at yet another school. I hate always being the new kid. But what can you do when your an army brat.

     Time change sucks by the way. I hurry to get dressed in my usual attire, black Under Armour leggings and red shirt. Pull my hair back in a messy bun, sling my backpack on and run downstairs.
      "Zoelynn why do you have to dress like that? Can't you wear something a little more feminine? You're no going to make a good impression dressing like that." Grandma says
       Like always she is judging me.
       "And why can't you call me Zoey like everyone else?  Besides I don't care what people think and it's not like I will be here long enough to make a lasting impression anyhow." I retort back at her.
       "Zoelynn is the name your mother fought so hard for remember and I will always call you." Great now she upset just like any time we mention my mom.
When my mom was pregnant with me her and my dad fought over names. She wanted Zoelynn but daddy thought it was to unusual. Daddy wanted Grace but momma said it was to common  and she knew a lot in school. But momma died shortly  after  giving birth to me. Daddy then named  me Zoelynn Grace Hart.

     "Grandma I'm walking to the bus stop so I need to get going." I say as I break her out of her memories of momma.
      "Honey I can drive you" she says.
      "No grandma I'm fine you know I like the exercise" I grab a muffin  and head out before she says something  about me needing to eat more for breakfast.
       I plug in my headphones and turned on my 90's playlist, something that my grandma would flip about if she knew I listened to something other than gospel music. She had a fit when I started listening to christin rock. I look at my watch and realized that I need to pick up the pace.
       Once I get to base exit I see a few other kids waiting. The all turn to look at me and some of the boys start to whistle at me. Great not how I want to start of going to school but neither was fighting with my grandma but hey what can you do? One boy catches my eye as he looks up from his homework for a second. But oh my goodness my breath catches, his eyes are such a bright blue. He turns back to his work. There is something  about him that screams bad boy. Not my type.
      Bus arrives. The kids pile on but he waits for me to get on first and I get butterflies. I chose a seat in about the middle where one is. He goes on to the back. I turn my music up I'm not up for talking to anyone. Twenty minutes later we get to school. Let the fun begin.....

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