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The lady rocked from one blue suede shoe to the other, humming as the rain fluttered to the ground. Eyes closed, she smiled, her eyes forming a crinkle at the edges and the lines around her smile defining themselves. Her blonde, leafy hair was longer and fluffier, even when pulled into a long, thick brain down her spine.

She stood in the middle of the house's front porch, its white paint chipped but its memories as new as ever. While rain beat in loud spatters against the roof, she hummed the lullaby more audibly to the bundle of robin-egg blue blankets she clutched to her chest. The baby slept, her minute, blonde curls curling around her little ears. She clutched her mother's mustard yellow collar and cooed in her slumber at the sound of Elliote's hum.

The red, front door opened suddenly. Elliote turned slowly, still rocking the baby, and smiled at the sight of Charles. He mouthed an apology for his abrupt interruption. Elliote shook her head and smiled. Charles quietly stepped towards Elliote and the baby, giving Elliote a lingering kiss on the lips and little Blue a kiss to her temple. Charles walked behind Elliote and rested his chin on her shoulders, watching little Blue sleep with a small smile dancing across her cherry lips. He wrapped his strong arms around Elliote's waist and joined humming the lullaby, rocking as well in his blue suede shoes.

"My bride in blue suede shoes." He whispered, earning a smile from his bride. "And my daughter—little Blue—with new blue shoes."

Charles held out a pair of small blue suede shoes, yet to be torn at the toes but with small season stickers and stamps attached to the sides, fit for a toddler. "She's still growing, but when the time comes, she's got her very own pair."

Elliote sighed, tears streaming down to her chin and brushed the pads of her fingers along the toes of the miniature blue suede shoes. She turned and pressed her and the baby in the comfort of Charles' arms.

She held tightly onto Charles laughing with such happiness and crying tears of joy. "I assume you like it, my love?"

They smiled together, laughed together and cried together, the boy, the girl and their baby, the family in blue suede shoes.

The Girl in Blue Suede Shoes: a short storyWhere stories live. Discover now