Wasn't Meant To Be

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Lefu went back to her usual morning routine. Drinking coffee and stepping out on the patio snacking on some croissants. She was surprised to see Clark already there with his own coffee. She waved at him and tossed him one of her croissants, which he happily caught.

She ignored him as she watched the sun rise. Clark was lost in his own thoughts as he watched Lefu. When the sun started to rise higher in the sky, it looked as if all the aches and pains from the night before faded away. Lefu smiled over at him and turned to leave and that's when he noticed. She looked just like new, even her weight was back to normal. Clark shook his head. He had to be imagining it.

Time passed uneventfully. Superman never ran into that mysterious angel since that night even though he saw her flitting about sometimes. She avoided him like the plague. Clark and Lefu worked in a companionable routine, working around each other. She always tried to keep him at arm's length at least and always had a smile. The only time Clark saw her without a smile on her face were in the mornings, watching her outside on their patios. It was weird when one morning it didn't seem like she was getting better. Lefu started to cough and her voice sounded rough.

"Are you ok?" Clark asked one day. Lefu laughed harshly as she rubbed at her neck.

"I might be coming down with a cold but I'll be fine given time. I'll start wearing a mask," she offered. Clark smiled but his eyes watched her with worry. Lefu was called to the editor's office. She smiled and got up to walk inside. She was there for a while before coming back out. She grabbed her coat and patted Clark's arm.

"I'm off to Gotham to cover a story. You going to miss me?" She asked teasingly. Clark laughed.

"No, just means you won't hold me back. I'll work faster without you distracting me," he teased back. Lefu broke out into a cough while laughing and cleared her throat. She hid her hand behind her back.

"Sure you will. You're about as fast as a turtle. Sure you're not related?" She joked. She waved a goodbye to him and left his sight. He thought he spotted blood in her hands but it was hidden underneath her coat.


Lefu stood in her bathroom, poking at her throat. She coughed and spat out blood into the sink. She turned on the water and gargled some to get the taste of copper out of her mouth. Her neck was red. Her implants for her voice were being rejected. Lefu sighed. She snapped her fingers and a suitcase appeared. She took it with her to pack up the clothes she accumulated over her stay in Metropolis.

The real reason she was going to Gotham was to get her implants replaced. She asked the editor to keep it a secret so long as she came back with a story. Lefu sighed and snapped her suitcase closed. She went outside and stood silent, watching the city for her last night there. Clark came outside in the morning like usual and waved to her. She waved back but hunched over as she coughed haggardly into her hands. She waved back at him and disappeared into her apartment to clean up. She changed into a turtleneck and slacks. She slipped on a surgical mask and grabbed her suitcase to leave. She locked up behind her and turned to see Clark there. She smiled then waved when she realized he couldn't see her smile.

"Are you going to be alright?" He asked worriedly, waiting to walk with her downstairs. Lefu chuckled hoarsely.

"I'll be ok. I've been taking medicine. It's not that serious so don't think about it too much," she reassured them. Clark smiled and patted her head. Her coughs filled the silence as they took the elevator down. She pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket to clean herself up and replaced her mask, Clark watching her with suspicious eyes. Clark left in his own taxi and Lefu left in her own.

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