Chapter 4: New Friends, Old Friends

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Applejack and Minty go and meet up with Rainbow Dash and Button Twirl, Scootaloo and Cheerilee at the park for the Ponyville Masquerade. Pinkie Pie is in charge of the decorations and refreshments. Everyone enjoys themselves and for once it doesn't matter if Minty messes up. For Minty, that's the best part. It's one time she can truly be herself and not get in trouble for being herself which she likes.

Near the punch bowl, Minty sees an unfamiliar pony, so she walks over and the two begin to chat. "I'm Melody Harmony," says the shy mare, "I'm new here. I moved here a few days ago and hardly know anypony. I'm originally from MareInland."
"Cool, I know where that is!" Says Minty. "My uncle and aunt live there. Their names are Butterscotch and Brandy Buckson."
"I know them," replies Melody Harmony, "Butterscotch was my music teacher. She taught me piano and flute." The two continue to talk for hours and share many laughs across the coarse of the night. Minty is glad to have a new friend and a new friend that knows her aunt and uncle no less. To both of them, it's the best Ponyville Masquerade ever. For Melody Harmomy, it's her first Ponyville Masquerade ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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