This time last year.

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     It's crazy to think that this time last year I was with you. I was with you getting smoothies at a doughnut place before going to Bible study. Sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner while making inside jokes about Jessie, even tho he was sitting right in front of us. I still have no idea how he never found out that you liked him.
     This time last year, I drove us to my place after Bible study for a sleep over which we there would be as quiet as we could so my mom wouldn't yell at us.
     This time last year, we just relaxed in each other's presence. We didn't even have to talk. It was always an unspoken game of "who can find the funniest thing on the Internet" when it was late at night. I remember you constantly telling me to look at this picture of a dude on tumblr that you thought was hot. Or to read a super long poem, that was essentially a book in itself.
     This time last year, I didn't realize there would come a day where you couldn't eat breakfast with me at noon. I didn't realize that these were going to be our last few months together before you were gone.

     In a way, I'm glad I didn't know. If I had known, the best times of my life, would have actually been my saddest times. I'm glad we got to enjoy each other's company without fearing losing the other. I'm glad that didn't kick until a few months later.

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