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- read the an at end???? Thanks

You had been friends with the 'buttercream squad' since they first came around. You knew Joe and immediately, he introduced you to his friends in an attempt to 'show off'. You appreciated all the boys did for you: constantly protecting you, being way too over protective when other boys came into the picture, and always keeping you happy.- and satisfied. Your boys always felt the need to hit you up. But for some reason, you fell into their arms like a damsel in destress every time. It was often Jack who called you, horny as shit at five am, with alcohol clear in his voice looking for someone to fuck. The others... not so much. There was only one who never, ever, called.- Mikey Pierce. It wasn't that he was too nervous or that he was too... scared. He just thought it was a shitty thing to do. You liked mikey a lot. But still, you continued to fuck his friends.

"Y/N?" Mikey's shaky voice rang through your phone. You looked at the clock on Jack's bedside, 4:33am. "Yeah? You okay?" You asked, wondering what the hell was wrong at this time. "Uhh, we need to talk" he sounded uncertain. "Yours?" You asked, confirming a place. "Yeah".
You slipped out of bed and into your leggings and large hoodie you'd worn to jacks a few hours ago. You sprayed some deodorant and flung your hair in a messy bun before slipping on your shoes and heading towards mikey's apartment across the street.
He buzzed you in almost instantly and you made your way up to the third floor, third apartment on the right.
"Hey" you smiled as brightly as you could for what was now, five to five in the morning. "Hi" Mikey said, clearly stressed.
You sat cross legged on his couch as he began to speak.- fastly.
"Y/N I've liked you for ages, and I honestly don't think it's right that the boys always booty call you even if they do say it's 'to keep you pleased'. It makes me sick. I don't blame you. Anyway, I really really like you and hate seeing you being treated like that and..." you cut him off by lunging toward him and kissing him. He didn't reply for a minute but then began kissing when he realised what you had done. You pulled away and he smiled.
"I really like you too, LP" you laughed slightly, placing your hand on his knee.
Mikey sure did have a lot to catch up on.

Thanks again for 2k! Okay anyway, I recently put out a little teaser of three fics I'm working on... comment below which one I should release first cos I really want to. These have been in the works for sooo long😿 okay, keep voting, commenting and reading and I'll catch you all later.

Love you always,

     - Halle x

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