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Hey guys! This is chapter 2... enjoy! Comment, vote and fan! Tell me what you think! :)


Chapter 2


When I found my destination, I walked through the front door. It was empty. There was no one in the school. I walked down an empty hall, and turned, and that's when I saw all of the people, pouring through the hallways.

I saw Andy, with a couple of his other goth friends. He turned his head in my direction, and glared at me. I waved hi, but he just stared at me, and jerked his head up as in, 'sup?'

I smiled awkwardly, as I walked in his direction.

I stood beside him, as he mumbled, "Uh, hi Brett, what are you doing here?"

I mumbled casually, "Oh nothing, just came to meet your awesome friends."

All of his friends were goth like him. I greeted them, "Hi, you must be Andy's friends. Nice to meet you." I blurted, sounding like a stalker. 

Andy looked embarassed, and at that moment he turned to me and whispered, "Can I talk to you over there?"

I nodded my head, as we walked toward a bunch of lockers. He told me, "Listen, I know you're new and all, and I don't want to be an ass, but can you stop doing that?"

I asked, confused, "Doing what?" 

"Talking to my friends, I mean we barely know each other, and you're acting like you're my new girlfriend, and you're just meeting my friends."

I pouted, Andy's words hurt... a lot. I didn't know I was being annoying. I just wanted to have a friend, since I moved across the country. But I guess it's not that easy in Seattle.

I nodded my head, and mumbled, "Okay, sorry, see you around." I trailed off the 'see you around.' 

He mumbled, "It's okay, bye." 

I didn't say anything, but just walk away. After a couple of steps, I glanced back at them, and they were laughing about something.

I pouted. I wish Andy was my friend, I mean come on, we loved the same things, we would make great friends.

No, i'm not that deperate. I was one of the coolest kids back in my old high school. I'm not a loser whose desperate to make a friend. I can make a friend this instant.

I walked over to a bunch of cheerleaders, and exclaimed, "Hey guys, what are you doing?"

The head cheerleader, who was blonde with brown eyes, muttered, "Um, what the fuck are you doing here, bitch? Screw off." 

I narrowed my eyes and spat, "Okay, calm your fucking balls, I just said hi, for fuck sakes like seriously shut up you stupid blonde ass bitch."

They were all surprised that I had the guts to say that, probably to the most popular girl in school. But I wasn't afraid, I used to beat up people back at my old high school, even the guys.

She screeched, "What did you just call me? I'm the bitch? Look whose talking you stupid slut! Go home and listen to your stupid little emo music, who the fuck likes Black Veil Brides?"

Oh, this bitch is going to fucking die! NO ONE, I REPEAT NO ONE MAKES FUN OF BLACK VEIL BRIDES! 

I spat, "You did not just say that, Black Veil Brides is my life, you don't even know what your talking about. You're probably too high to know what you're saying. Don't even try to make fun of Black Veil Brides, because I will fucking kill you. That's a threat."

She raised her arms up and mumbled, "Oo, i'm so scared!" 

All of the other girls started to giggle, as she joined. I growled, and screeched, "Yeah you better fucking be! I will kill you, trust me I am way stronger than you are! No one makes fun of BVB, okay?"

She nodded her head, rolling her eyes. I spat in front of her shoe, and stomped off. Everyone was staring at us. I glanced at Andy, and he was smirking, staring at me. I grinned back, and kept on walking.

Shows that bitch right! No one makes fun of BVB! Especially the lead singer Andy! Oh God, I probably got myself in a whole lot of trouble. 

But who cares? Honestly, i've changed ever since I stepped on Seattle grounds. I used to be the biggest bully in school, and now i'm nothing. But I have nothing to worry about, because this is just the beggining...


Hey guys! How did you like it?! Don't worry, she might act girly here, and not cool, but she'll come around...

Comment vote and fan! Tell me what you think!

xoxo redhearts111

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