The Meet And Greet

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Howdy partners!

This is chapter 18! Hope y'all like it! Dedicated to my best friend, emilyheartred! Because she LOVES to mosey on down to a ranch and ride some horses with me!

LOL I have NO clue what I'm saying :D anyway, comment, vote, fan, and like!


Chapter 18

The Meet and Greet

I stood there, shocked. "What'd you just say?" I asked.

He stood there in shock too, just realizing what he just admitted.

"Uh," he hesitated.

"Sh," I whispered. "It's okay," and then I thrusted toward him and crashed my lips to his.

I released after a few seconds, and smiled. "I think I'm falling for you too."

We turned back to the stage, and jumped up and down to the music. A girl was watching us the whole time and she burst into tears.

"That was the sweetest thing ever!" she exclaimed.

We looked at her, and smiled. We then looked at each other, and laughed.

Andy put his arm around my waist, and fist pumped the air as BVB played Smoke and Mirrors.

I jumped up and down, screaming back at them that I love them.


"Thank you all, tonight was really fun! We hope to play in New York again... Goodnight everybody!" Andy yelled through the microphone.

"I love you Andy!" I screamed as all the fans cheered.

"Come say hi later," was his last words and then all of them got up and went backstage.

"Oh my God, that was the funnest concert ever!" I cried out loud.

"You know what made it extra fun?" Andy asked.

"What?" I lowered my voice since the music stopped.

"I got to scream my ass off with you," he sweetly said as he held me romantically.

I giggled a nervous giggle. "So..." I trailed off.

"So what?" he asked.

"What are we? In a relationship, just friends...?" I mumbled.

"Well..." he started.

"Andy," I softly whispered. "I love you."

He smiled widely. "Well I can't pass up an opportunity where the girl I love loves me back," he blurted.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, sweating.

I smiled sweetly. "Yes."

He pressed his lips to mine, and I kissed back.


"Now, babe, let's go to the meet and greet," I said. "I want to get a glimpse of Andy's sexy ass."

"I know you want to get a glimpse of my ass," he winked.

"Ugh, shut up," I rolled my eyes playfully. He held my hand and we walked all the way to a part of the building that the meet and greet was being held.

We waited in the line, and a guy was walking around, selling their new CD's.

"Can I get one," Andy asked. The man handed him one, and Andy gave him money.

"For you," he flatly said as he handed me the CD.

"Aw, thanks babe!" I chirped as I hugged him tight.

"Your welcome baby."

We finally arrived in the front of the line, and I started to sweat. My palms got clammy. I then screamed my loudest and huffed and puffed.

The five members of BVB stared me down, a grin on their faces.


"Haha, sure," Andy mumbled as he gave me a hug. I looked at his ass and bit my lip. The rest of the members hugged me, and they signed my CD.

They also have me a freshly signed poster, and I hugged them again.

"Awesome concert!" I squealed. "Nice meeting you!"

"See ya, Brett," they all said, and moved on to the next person.

Andy and I walked away, smiling. "That was fun," he breathed out.

"Yeah," I heaved. "It was."

"I love you," he kissed my cheek.

"I love you more," I mumbled. "Thanks for the CD."

"Anything for my little Brett."

"Can I ask you something?" I called out.

"Yeah, anything."

"What changed your mind about me?"

He sighed. "I don't know, I just saw you tonight and you looked beautiful, and then I realized what a sweet, amazing girl you are, so I just changed my mind," he recited.

"Thank you."

"Let's get going," he suggested.

"Sounds good."

And then I found myself entering Andy's car, realizing that I just had the best night of my life. And I got to share it with the one person I love, Andy Carlton.


'Kay y'all's, how y'all like it?!

LOL I'm sorry I like talking like a country person (;

Comment, vote, fan, and like! Tell me how I did? (Y)

xoxo redhearts111

Emo LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora