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Naomi POV

Gosh we look like tourists. We both had our cameras hanging on their strings around our necks and a backpack with our gear (wallets, phones, spare lenses and jerseys). I had decided earlier that morning that I'd wear a nice plain grey top with a blue and gold plaid shirt over top like a jacket and some cute 3/4 jeans with white converse shoes. It was cute outfit and I often wore something similar on a daily outing with my family. I also put on a grey beanie to cover up my messy hair. When Adrian arrived, I was surprised that he too went with the plaid jacket (his was red) over a white top instead of grey like me. He wore some grey jeans with some sneakers. Over his shoulder was a black bag.
"Do you wanna put some of your stuff in here? It's better than taking two bags" he gave me a sort of shy smile, which I found adorable.
"Okay. Will we need anything else?" I asked, hooking my keys to my jeans after locking the shop up.
"Not that I know of" he shouldered the bag, and ran a hand through his blonde hair, messing it up.
We were now walking in the direction of Trafalgar Square, looking like tourists. I saw a lot of people giving us weird looks but I just met them with a glare that said "stop judging us." We walked for a another five minutes before Adrian suddenly stopped. I didn't realise this until a few steps later when I didn't hear his footsteps. I stopped and turned to see Adrian's face filled with awe.
"The square is HUGE" he exclaimed excitedly.
I giggled. "It sure is! It was originally called Charing Cross, and was completed in 1840."
Yes I am a huge history nerd. Even before I came to London, I had done historical studies in all my high school years and enjoyed every moment of it.
"C'mon. Let's go" I went back to him and pulled him by his arm into the busy square.
We melted into the crowd of busy Londoners, fascinated tourists and a few cops, and came out on the side of the lions.
Adrian instantly turned on his camera and focussed the lense in on the lions face. I watched him as he changed his angles by moving forwards, backwards, side to side and crouching down.
"Bit OTT isn't it?" I asked when he stopped to check the pictures.
"Angles are everything, Naomi" he replied seriously, scrutinising the pictures he took.
I sighed and shook my head, tilting my head up slightly to the sky. It was a little cloudy today, but the sun still shined. It was already quite warm despite the early day. I looked again towards the tall male next to me to see him staring at me. I leant my head to the side.
"What?" I asked.
"Well, I did ask a question but it doesn't matter anymore" he looked away, blushing slightly.
"Did you take a picture of me?" I said slowly.
He messed up his hair. "Yes."
"Good on ya" I replied sassily.
He looked at me weirdly.
"Cos I honestly don't care if you take pictures of me. What you take pictures of is what you take" I gave him a small smile.
He just stared at me in shock for a moment, before turning back to his camera to show me the picture of me.
"This okay?" He said shyly.
"That's great" I replied confidently.
Adrian peeked up, his confidence suddenly growing in his skills. I always tried to see the best in people and encourage them in their hobbies, however weird and unique they were.
"Come on, there's more to see" I again took his arm, and led the way out of the square.

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