Chapter One

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   The music was loud, and he was yelling. I can't remember what happened last night. Who brought me here? What time did I get here? Why was I in K'aunte's roo

old room? Where is K'aunte? Why is there a scar on my right hand? Why is this music so loud? What are they arguing for ,or better still why is he so loud? 

  After a couple moments of contemplating, I got up off the floor. Ouch. My back hurts, badly. I was careful not to make much noise. If he heard me , we would probably start arguing. I walked over to the door and opened it slightly. But then it stopped. The music, his voice, it all stopped. Someone was coming upstairs. I quietly closed the door and pressed my body weight against it. The foot steps passed the room . I sighed in relief . I grab my phone and texted K'aunte.

Me: Where are you ?

K'aunte: I had to drop you off at moms for a little while , it's okay you'll be find . I promise .

Me: I don't trust them, come get me now !

K'aunte: I had a little emergency with Kensley . I'll send Auntie to drop you off . But for now chill out .

Me: Whatever .

I threw my phone across the floor . I looked around. We had so many memories in this room . Bad ones . They all flashed back to me at once. The belt, the switch, their fist, different men and women every single night . "It hurts. We're sorry" We screamed over and over again , but no one heard out cries. Ironic, huh ? But K'aunte and I ,we managed , we managed to get through it all. I thought we were through with them until now . Sometimes I wonder about K'aunte . Of all places, why would he bring me here . Last time we talk to our parents , they swore up and down they were clean, that they went to therapy.  K'aunte was always naive , he believed them. I didn't though, if anything one thing my mama did teach me was not to believe anything anyone tells me. Plus, I knew better that they didn't have enough for therapy .

I eventually decided to go to sleep . I made sure I barricaded and locked the door first . I made sure my body was against door also, so I would be aware if someone tried to come in . After a while I began to drift off. After a while, I would wake up somewhere safe. This time I wished to wake up to my room, at K'aunte's house or even to the room at Auntie's place, just not here, it hurts to be here.

X_ Kaycee ..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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