Chapter 1//Waking Up

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Melissa's P.O.V

"Why are you leaving," said my small, high pitched voice to my only friend.

"Papa's job, him and Mama and I have to move." He said to me while his head was hanging, ashamed to look me in the eye.

Tears start to swell in my eyes while the sound of children laughing and playing surrounded us. He put one of his hands in his pockets while taking mine with the opposite hand. I used the back of the only hand I still had available to wipe away my tears.

He held something in his small clenched fist. He stared at his fist for a few seconds, then stared into my green eyes with his blue ones. "Close your eyes and hold your hair up," he asked of me politely. I did as I was told and lift my hair like I was putting it in a ponytail.

I heard shuffling and something smooth gently wrap around my neck. Behind me I felt a warm presence. I then heard a small click go off from behind my neck. "Open your eyes." I opened my eyes but blinked a lot since my eyes were adjusting to the light. I put my hand on my chest and started to feel around to find a white gold, slightly thick, chain dangling from my neck. While hanging from it was a white gold, heart shaped, locket. It was kinda heavy.

"How much was this?" I questioned, worried I didn't have enough to pay for it.

"Don't worry about it. I got it for you as a present, it's a promise necklace. I promise to come back to you when I get the chance. It's also to help you remember me while I'm gone." He said this all while gesturing to the necklace.

I immediately gave him a tight hug, still crying, showing my gratitude. "Thank you," I whispered out between cries. I heard him sniffle on my shoulder, he almost never cried.


I wake up at 5 AM and started getting ready for the day. I like to take my time for stuff or else my work would look sloppy and like I didn't even try, which I really don't. I get out of my comfy colorful sheets and place my feet against my soft beige carpet and start to walk to my walk in closet. It gave me enough space to turn around and walk two or three steps. My clothes were already hung on a small hook, that is attached to the wooden door, that separates my clothes from my room itself. I take the hung clothes off the hook and started to head to the bathroom to change there.

One hanger was holding a blood red sleeved shirt. Another holding navy blue denims. While the last one held my favorite grey hoodie.

When I arrived in the bathroom, I took the time to brush my hair, wash my face, brush my teeth, and change into my clothes. After doing all that, I put my brown hair up into a messy bun. I saw my black rimmed glasses laying on my nightstand and put them on. Before heading to my balcony I make a small detour to my closet once again and grab my running shoes.

I'll lose them this time, I thought confidently to myself.
Hello my lovely halos! What did you think of the first chapter of my new book so far? I'm open to any suggestions you have for the story. I would also like to thank chanbaekskaisoo  for always making my covers. Chan, you are a huge help to me and I don't know how to thank you enough. Same goes to you guys, thank you for taking the time to read my books. You have no idea how happy it makes me to see that people like what I do. That is all for today so,



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