ch. 1

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"Are you sure about this bro?" My friend, Finn, asks me for the hundredth time tonight.

You see Finn was very sheltered. He never did anything that his parents didn't tell him to do and he didn't know about a lot of things.

So, when I told him about the Hookah Bar, we were going to he was really unsure. But I managed to talk him into it.

"Finn, it's just a hookah lounge. It's not like we're going to a sex club or some shit. Stop freaking out and act cool, man." I tell him.

Finn tries to relax, but I can tell his nerves are still heightened.

I pull in front of the Hookah Lounge and get out the car.

"What if they realize the ID is fake? Should we make a run for it?" Finn asks.

"Nah, man. I've been here before. Just chill." I say, getting in line.

"You've been here before?" Finn asks, confusedly.

I shake my head 'yes'.

I had been here before twice. Late at night, just came here to smoke and chill.

"Why you didn't tell me?" Finn asks, as we move up in the line.

"You never asked." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

We make it up to the door and I hand the security guy my ID. On it was my real name and address, the only that was a lie was my date of birth. It said I was born in 1997, therefore I was 19.

Honestly, I was born in 2001 and was 16 years old. I was very mature for my age and often mistaken for older, anyways.

"You're good, enjoy yourself man. It's some fine ladies and dudes in there, tonight." The security dude says.

I nod my head and enter the building. I wait by the door for Finn.

Finn walks in a couple of minutes later. He was sweating bullets and acting real nervous.

"Finn, man, chill. You're in." I say, chucking at him.

"Yeah, but that was crazy as fuck. For a second, there I thought he knew I wasn't nineteen." Finn says.

I pat Finn on the back and move into the lounge. There were people filled all in the building. Some sitting down and some were dancing.

"Let's get a table

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"Let's get a table." I say, looking for somewhere to sit.

"Damn, she fine as fuck." Finn says, making me look over to where he was looking.

At a table in the corner was a group of four. Two girls and two guys were sitting, smoking Hookah.

The one girl Finn was looking at was fine as hell. I couldn't see her whole body from here but her titties was sitting up right.

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