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"Mohor! Mohor! MOOHOOORRR.....!! Get up it's your first day ,you will be late if you don't wake up Now!"

"yes..yes...just a minute Mom..."

So this is me Mohor a happy lively fun loving girl of 10.Its my first day of fifth grade and I couldn't sleep all night thinking of all the fun that holds on untill next morning.

"It feels great being back at school. Let's see who I know aaahh...Ankita there she is!! " A silent conversation in my brain with my imaginary friend Tina.

"Hey! Hope no one's stting here Ankita"
"OMG! We are in the same class that's amazing. Ya ya come sit no one is here "
"God knows who will be our class teacher. Any guesses Mohor? "
" I don't know but I have a gut feeling that it's gonna be Mrs Helen Peter."
"Oh! God forbid! Heard she is quite rough "
"Ya I heard that too but I don't think she'll be that bad.Atleast hope so."

Then we went for our morning prayer still discussing this topic and occasionally talking about how we spent our vacation.

"Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name...............evil. Amen." All students in
chorus .

With this our morning prayer ended and after a short welcome speech from our Principal it was time to declare the name of class teachers of respective classes.
Hot adrenaline was rushing through everyone's vein, I saw them do a small silent prayer wishing for their favourite teacher.I guess I was the only one standing unaffected.My gut feeling was a bit too strong to make me feel surprised or upset on hearing my class teachers name.
I could feel the anxiety in the air which lingered in our class the longest.

One week had passed every one was now feeling comfortable and habituated to the new environment. All gossips about our new class teacher had faded and we had started to accept her as a nice lady .
But was it So?All those stories from our seniors ,were all fake? I hope so but only the future knows the answer.

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