CHAPTER 1 : Our first Shock

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IT was Monday and a start of a fresh new week .Just like making new year resolution we were making our weeks resolution hoping to do better and come in the notice of our teacher.

It all started in the first period, we were asked to submit our long tedious home works which were equivalent to putting down the whole chapter from the textbook into the notebook .We had no other choice and so their we were standing in a que with our ready to submit work . There were some who were still buzzy giving some final touch to the homework to make it look the best and some staring impressively at the good work that they had done.

After the class had settled down Mrs Peter started to look at the submitted work with some strange expression and the next thing we saw was , notebooks flying in all directions and her yelling saying "What kind of hand writing is this ? Oh god it so small and shabby !" at the top of her voice and at the same time calling out the name of the defaulters.
We all were confused and were looking at each other trying to find a possible answer coz nothing like this ever happened to us before . Then she pointed out those few students who were engrossed in doing editing work before submitting their work to enquire their name and there notebooks too faced the same fate as of the flying notebooks .
Mrs Helen got up from her chair and gave us these following instructions "No one will even put a dot on their homework on the day of submission else it won't be accepted. It's a homework not to be done here and now comming to your handwriting , you all write too small I don't know who taught you that but from now on you'll will follow what I say ,the bigger letters like l,t,b,d should touch both the lines and the smaller ones like a,b,r should be atleasr 3/4 of the double line.You have to strictly write in cursive no other form will be accepted else I won't check your notebook. Those whose notebook I threw will have to redo their work and do this week's homework as well.I know it's a lot but it's your problem not my."
We were all too shocked hearing this bizarre rule but we had no other choice.I couldn't help thinking how those unfortunate students will be able to finish their work in time. Last week I had been sleeping as late as 1o'clock in the night but ,only god can save those kids now.

So with this our first period ended, our second period was English and we had the same Mrs Peter .Actually she taught us all subject except our for our 2nd language . It might sound very strange but this was quite normal in the primary sections of our school .
Before she started with her next class she gave us few more instructions like "If you didnt bring your book or notebook you'll sit on the ground for the rest of the period , do that without waiting for me to tell you that. While I am teaching you are to look straight into my eyes and no where else not even your text book ,unless I ask you to do so,no form of distraction will be accepted ,I hope the instruction is very clear ." and with this she began her class.

We were all accepting what she said with no hard feelings and trying our best to improve ourselves , I think I was among those few who were too eagerly accepting the change.Actually she had appointed me as the class leader and I guess that was what was diluting all the hard feeling.

The rest few days went by and it was all gud coz I thought I was getting on well with Mrs Peter , but was it really the case ?

So this might seem to be quite normal coz the worst is yet to come. Things will get messy bit by bit but once it does a new chapter will begin in my life which will have both sweet and sour touch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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