Chapter 11

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Tris' POV

I felt irritation pricking at the back of my neck from just watching Christina make her own choices at a time like this. She wasn't being as cautious and as quiet as I would have liked for her to be being.

Beside me, Tobias was already claiming a disapproving look towards my stubborn friend. This wasn't what we had agreed to do.

We're supposed to be looking for Peter, Christina. Not forgetting about him and just switching to a 'Save our own lives' tactic.

I now watched as Christina began to slowly inch her hands up into the generator to start fixing it.

The last time I had begun to fix a gen, was back at the tower when I had first met up with Peter in this 'round'.

I had blown the generator up accidently, and it had caused an explosively loud noise which then had summoned Eric to the scene.

This thought somehow slowly began to bother me a bit and I can't help but then turn to Tobias about it. "H-Hey um, have you blown up a gen before yet?" I hesitantly ask him with a questioning look.

With this, Tobias just gives me a straightforward nod. "Yes actually, I have."

The two of us then glance back in the direction of Christina and her 'working' state.

"W-Well do you think Christina may know whether or not on how to fix a gen correctly?" I finally then ask, and Tobias just casts me a doubtful look.

I sigh slowly.

"Well I guess I'm going to go tell her about it then. We shouldn't risk her blowing it up." I mutter irritably before finally starting towards my friend.

I walk at a rather fast pace and once I am at the generator, I give Christina's shoulder a prod. "Hey, um, have you blown up a gen before?"

As Christina turns to give me an answer, the generator slowly starts to produce a working sound. It was just a small hum at the moment, but it would soon grow into an all-out throbbing noise.

"Uhh no actually I haven't. But when I met up with Peter, he had told me about it." She then explains, and instantly I feel slightly relieved but not completely content.

She still has a risk for blowing it up though...

She needed to experience the gen for herself. It was more of a skill at fixing these things than just a knowing of them.

I sigh again merely as the sound of the humming generator just continues though, her hands hard at work on it.

There was a heavy feeling for some reason of tension just hanging groggily in the air. As I shift my eyes up and off of the gen, I can't help but for once realize just how cold it is out here in this place.

I hadn't noticed it before but for the first time I was beginning to feel my natural senses start to kick in again.

I felt rather hungry and completely exhausted. I also felt the cold chilly night air just connecting itself with my bare arms and I suppress a small shudder. All I had on was a grey-black vest with a t-shirt under it. Overall though they weren't much.

It is then that I suddenly turn next to see Tobias at my side, his arms still crossed and his face still withholding his disapproving look towards Christina. Within a few moments though his eyes shifts from Christina to me and it is then that he changes his judgmental look to a more thoughtful one.

"Cold?" He queries so lowly that even I can't help but question myself on whether or not he had asked.

He then just takes matters into his own hands and swiftly slips off his Dauntless jacket he still had on and considerately places it upon my own shoulders.

I lock gazes with him for a moment and flash him a smile of gratitude. Appreciation warped through me from head to toe. He was too selfless towards me.

Somehow, I next couldn't help but let my gaze then slide down over his now exposed arms. His muscles were taut and looked ready to take on anything that could suddenly come at us, and his hands and fingers still looked as deft and complete as I had last remembered them as.

"Thank you." I now whisper so softly that only he could have heard it, and not anyone else within this senseless world.

His eyes, still holding mine, were beginning to capture me with their deep vastness in color in depth.

Suddenly though, as if on que, there is loud and strained yell within the region nearby, which brings me back to our situation we were still in.

I freeze up and inhale sharply.


There then is an unexpected clogging noise from just beneath me and instantaneously I glance downwards to catch the event happening.

Christina had jumped, just as I had, and when she did, she had lost her focus on the gen.

I start to scream, but I am blinded next as there only comes a loud explosion and then sparks.

Dead silence follows afterwards.

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