Part 1

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Charlotte's POV

I was sitting in school, five minutes before the bell rang. Today was our last day at school and I wasn't planning on coming back next year. I was seventeen and I had everything planned out and the bonus was my parents agreed with me!

Well, one of them. My mother didn't like the plan I had made for myself.

You see, I am planning on going on a road trip, a very long one in fact. I have everything packed and I have my full license and my car was already packed and all I needed to do was get out of my ugly school uniform and redo my hair since it will probably be a mess by now. And I will be bringing along my dog Bailey. She is the cutest thing ever! She's my little pug. And I wouldn't leave her with my other dogs, which are very mean to her, she once got attacked by Daisy. Our German Sheppard. She can get pretty feisty when she wants to.

The sound that I had been waiting for since I was 15 - yes I have been planning this for two years, don't judge me. Anyway back to the point, the bell is the sound that I have been waiting for and man I want to run out of this class right now, but our teacher Mr. Davis hadn't let us go yet. It’s a bummer that I won’t see him EVER again. (Note the HUGE amount of sarcasm in that last sentence)

"Class is dismissed. See you all next year." Mr. Davis said and everyone was in a complete rush to get home. And I was one of them but I was going to miss one thing, my best friend Avery. I have known her for fifteen years and I offered for her to come with me but she wasn't allowed. Her parents said that she had to finish school before she could do anything like that.

I ran to find Avery walking into her car but I pulled her away and gave her the best hug in the world. At least I think it was the best hug in the world.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Ave." I said holding in the tears.

"I'm gonna miss you too Charlotte," She said I could tell she was starting to cry because this may be the last time we will see each other in a long time. And when I say long time, I mean long time.

"Now make sure you don't fall in love before me okay?" I said to her laughing and remembering our conversation when we first started High School. As soon as we stepped in we saw every single boy. And none of them were ugly. They were all hot! And when I say hot I meant H-O-T. Hot. Just. Hot.

"Okay Avery. Let’s make a promise." I looked over to her but she was already looking at the boys gob smacked. I ended up slapping her. But not too hard, just enough to wake her up from her little 'day dream'.

"Ow! What was that for?" She whisper-yelled at me as she rubbed her cheek.

"I said let’s make a promise."

"What kind of promise?" She asked.

"Okay so since I'm older than you and you're like my little sister so what I'm saying is that I should be the one to fall in love first." I replied wait for her answer.

"But that's totally not fair! You’re only older than me by two days!" She whined.

"And three hours." I replied poking my tongue out at her. She huffed, thinking of whether to promise this.

"Fine. But you have to tell me straight away if you fall in love so then I know I can find that special someone." She wiggled her eyebrows when she said 'special someone'. She held out her pinky and I held out mine.

"I promise to let you, Charlotte Anne Starr, fall in love first. But hurry up because these boys are HOT!"

We both laughed at the memory of that.

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