Black Dragon

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Everyone was on their toes waiting to see what would happen. The control Kiyohime had over Jae-ha broke and as she realized that Yona had disappeared with Soo-won and Zeno, he threw multiple blades into her backside causing her to fall over.

"Come on Kija, Shin-Ah! We have to kill her before she does an harm to our lady!" Jae-ha calls out to his comrades.
He turns around when they do not run to his side and the sight was enough to break his heart.

Hak, Bora, and Shin-Ah were all gathered around the lifeless body of Kija. Blood pooled around the white dragon from where his arm containig his dragon power had been ripped off, a blade was in his chest, his neck snapped which was obviously the fatal blow. But what was also obvious to Jae-ha was that he was the one who had done it.

He knew it wasn't his fault, he was under Kiyohime's influence after all, but he couldn't help but blame himself for it was at his hands that his brother had met his ultimate fate.

"You're always getting in the way..."

This came from a more sinister voice. Everyone turned to Kiyohime. She was still on the ground, looking over her shoulder. Her long black hair disheveled and in her face. Her black eyes glowed a ruby red and her skin tinted black.

"I have come too far!" She screeches at the group. She was shaking with rage and her bright red nails started to turn black and began to form claws.

"Oh no." Was the only word spoken as Kiyohime's pale, white skin began to grow black scales.

Everyone turned to the one who spoke. It was Bora and the fear in her eyes let everyone know that they were about to face an enemy they were not ready to fight.

"Mother," Bora calls out in a desperate last attempt to calm the goddess. "Mother, you can't use your power! You'll destroy everything!"

But Bora knew how this would play out. Kiyohime would use her ultimate power to turn into the great black dragon of evil and destruction, and she did. Jae-ha would be the first to die at Kiyohime's hands, and he was. He was the first to attack the dragon in an attempt to avenge his fallen brother and protect the ones who were still alive as well as the princess. He was too blinded by vengeance he didn't see Kiyohime raise an arm so he wasn't able to dodge her attack. He wasn't able to avoid being slung into the nearest building, his body impaled onto some of the wreckage.

Kiyohime turned to Shin-Ah, knowing he would be the next threat. Hak stood off to the side not daring to make a move to attack Kiyohime for fear he would destroy the love of his life.

Shin-Ah tried to use his power, one he bowed never to use due to the nature of it, but he could not attack the dragon for his fate would be the same as Jae-ha's, but to his surprise it had no affect on Kiyohime herself.

"It won't work in her, she's not human!" Bora informs him knowing he was only affecting Meissa, and Meissa was the only one who could defeat her mother.

Bora also knew that Shin-Ah was going to resort to attacking the dragon, the only option he had, but she knew what would happen when he did that.

He would charge at Kiyohime, sword in hand, but Kiyohime would breathe fire in his direction, incinerating the warrior until there was nothing left of him. Bora couldn't allow that to happen. He was the love of her life, even if he wasn't the same person she had fallen in love with so many years ago.

Now Bora was aware that her body was mortal and her soul immortal. She knew she would feel the pain when she pushed him out of the way, taking the blast of flames for herself. She wouldn't die though, but it would be a long time before she was fully healed from burns she recieved. Kiyohime paused as she realized what she had done.

When Shin-Ah realized what happened he jumped up and ran over to Bora. He knew it was cowardly, to leave a battle especially when his brothers had just been killed, but he owed it to her to get her out of there.

"Why'd you do that?!" He yells at the purple eyed woman.

"I couldn't let you die... I love you, Seiryuu."

"You don't know me." He says.

"I've known you for hundreds of years and I have loved for nearly as long." She wheezes out with a cough. His gold eyes filled with worry for her. "Don't worry," she reassures. "I can't die. I am an immortal."

"I'm getting you out of here." He says as he lifts her up. She tried to hide the pain but he was aware it hurt her to move her like that, but he had to get her to safety.

Kiyohime snapped out of the trance she seemed to be caught in as she saw the warrior run away with her daughter in his arms. And the only reason she allowed him to live was because she couldn't bring herself to risk harming Bora again.

She turned to Hak ready to blast him with the same fire she had intended to destroy Seiryuu with. It was obvious Hak wouldn't attack her.

Hak watched as Kiyohime turned her attention to him. He took a deep breath as he prepared for the inevitable. He would not fight this demon if there was any risk he would harm Meissa.

He closed his eyes and awaited his death, but when the pain of being burnt alive or being crushed to death never came, he reopened them. The sight in front of him was one he wasn't expecting.

The giant dragon of evil and destruction had disappeared.

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