Majority Vote

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"Kan Soo-jin it is no secret that you've wanted to take the throne for many years now, what do you have to say in your defense?"

"Kouka needed a strong ruler. Il could not have provided that for us."

I stare at him. "Then why did you betray my brother?" I ask. He doesn't respond. "Was my brother not strong enough for you?"

"There's no excuse for what I did." he admits.

"Why don't you tell your fellow generals exactly what you did?"

He sighs. "I harbored Li Hazara and a thousand of his men for three months."

The five generals all shift uncomfortably. Geun-tae and Mundok were obviously angry. Kyo-Ga wouldn't even look in his father's direction.

"Do you understand how much damage Li Hazara and a thousand of his men could do to our kingdom right now?" I question. "We're just now starting to get on our feet financially, but militarily we can't even crawl. You could have doomed Kouka." He doesn't say anything.

"With a majority vote, your fellow generals are going to decide whether I take your life tonight. Your fate lies within the hands of these men."

Mundok and Geun-Tae instantly raise their hands when asked who was in favor of executing Soo-jin, which prompted Joon-Gi to raise his, condemning the Fire Clan's general to his death. Judo and Kyo-Ga still had to vote even though it didn't matter at this point.

"Kyo-Ga?" I say asking for his vote.

"Your Majesty, what my father did was not only treacherous to you and this kingdom, it was also dishonorable upon me and my family. We of the Kan family are ashamed of Kan Soo-jin, and believe that he should be punished for what he did with a punishment that you deem fit for his act of betrayal against you and the kingdom of Kouka," he says with a sigh. "but Kan Soo-jin is my father and I cannot raise my hand and send him to his death."

I nod my head in understanding and turn to the general of my clan. A man I've known for years. I've trusted my life and my family's life, to this man dozens of times since he took my father's position as general of the Sky Clan. "Judo?"

"I must apologize as well, Your Majesty. I just voted to allow you to live when you committed high treason by murdering our king, your husband, King Soo-won. You were supposed to be loyal to him in all aspects and you have never been that. You are no better than Kan Soo-jin, and I do not apologize for saying so. I voted to keep you alive even though I'm sure it's a matter of time before you murder another. With that being said, I will not raise my hand, Your Majesty."

"I respect both of your reasons, generals. We will further discuss any other issues and concerns in the next meeting." I turn to Soo-jin, "Kan Soo-jin you were incapable of remaining loyal to the kingdom of Kouka and it's leader. Your fellow generals have decided your fate. You will be executed at dawn."

I look at Judo and catch his attention to let him know that what I was about to say was directed at him as well. "Your death will be an example of what happens when you betray this kingdom to everyone. May you find mercy with the gods, because you will be shown none by me."

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