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"It's official: I'm going to fail. There's just no way to study for this exam."

Sehun rolled his eyes at Jungmin's defeated announcement and sipped on his smoothie. He was much too used to his friend's fatalistic attitude to pay him any mind, especially when he always came in the top three in his classes. Ass...

Glancing at his watch, he smiled when he saw that it was almost 7:00pm.

"What are you so happy about?" Jungmin grumbled, noticing his friend's bright expression.

Sehun's smile widened. "I'm meeting Luhan soon."

It was Jungmin's turn to roll his eyes. "Can't you go one day without seeing him? The exam is tomorrow. You really need to pass this test."

"First of all, we live together so, no, I can't go one day without seeing him. Secondly, why should I when seeing him makes me so happy?" Sehun wiggled his eyebrows, his smile turning to a full-fledged grin when Jungmin made a fake gagging motion.

Sobering, Jungmin bit his lip, as if considering whether to give voice to whatever was on his mind.

"Aren't you...aren't you embarrassed?" he stammered, his gaze dropping to the clearly visible puncture marks on Sehun's neck.

Sehun's brows disappeared beneath his bangs for a moment before his lips twisted in a wry smile.

"I have a lover who also happens to be a vampire. He loves the way I taste and I love that he loves it. What's there to be embarrassed about?"

"But..." Jungmin leaned across the table, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, eyes earnest behind his spectacles. "Aren't you afraid that people will find out? Aren't you afraid of becoming an outcast?"

Sehun shrugged. "I love Luhan. We're happy. He doesn't do anything that I don't want him to. If anything, it's the other way around since he's always worried about hurting me and I..." Seeing Jungmin's shocked expression, he shook his head to clear his thoughts. "My point is, I chose Luhan. He's mine and I'm his, and if society can't get on board with that, well...society can go fuck itself, can't it?"

Jungmin's cheeks reddened and he ducked his head, which brought Sehun's attention to the scarf he wore around his neck. It had become a bit of a mainstay over the past six months.

"And what about you?" Sehun asked, turning the tables. He cocked his head to the side, looking pointedly at the scarf before meeting Jungmin's confused eyes. "It's been six months yet you don't even acknowledge Riki as your boyfriend or partner, whatever. Have you ever considered his feelings? They're vampires but they feel and hurt just like we do, Min-ah. You act like there's no relationship at all even though we all know the truth. Are you so ashamed of him, of what you share?"

Eyes bulging, Jungmin jumped to his feet."No! That's not..." Realizing what he'd done, what he'd admitted, he slid back into his seat, looking everywhere but at Sehun. "I don't know what you're talking about."

A slow, satisfied smile spread across Sehun's lips. "Of course not." Draining his smoothie, he stood and swung his backpack over his shoulder. "Gotta go."

Ignoring his friend's shout, Sehun strode out of the café, a noticeable spring in his step. He always got peppier when Luhan was on the horizon. It was date night and it was Sehun's turn to choose the movie, although if one listened to Luhan, every date night was Sehun's turn to choose the movie. Sehun smiled to himself, thinking that maybe he would actually let Luhan pick this time since he always gave in to him.

Two blocks from the cinema, he began feeling a familiar warm, tingling sensation emanating from the mark on his neck. He suddenly had the distinct feeling of being watched.

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