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Right now in life I am very satisfied. I have found my way. I feel very down to earth and ready for what comes next. But I have had extremely good luck in the past. For example the other day we needed to turn in our lab for science and I did everything but I didn't print it out, do the checklist, or label my graph.  I was really worried I wouldn't be able to turn it in but in math class we ended up doing nothing for half of the class and he told us do whatever you want so I could finish it print it out and turn it in on time. Stuff like that. This always happens when I don't do my homework. Either we never turn it in or I finish before class starts.  But yeah. I know that's really small and stuff. I have found 120 dollars on the ground before. And 60 dollars a different time. And I know these are really small things that don't matter too much but it makes me think sometimes. And if you don't already know when I think too hard it's not a good thing.

What actually gave me the inspiration for last chapter was when I was in gym class I was literally making up a conversation with a depressed person and I actually had this conversation with myself for about an hour. It was crazy. But I actually gave myself a headache for thinking about that too much. I thought I should put parts of that in my book because why not. It was actually like my little own fantasy land except I was "helping" people out of depression... as if that method would ever work.

You know, I just realized that we all live in our own little fantasy lands that we just create for ourselves. Just like people with depression, people we are self centered create this world where everyone actually likes you and would do anything for you. So, I guess nobody really live in real life. Okay now I'm just confusing myself as I often do. I feel like life it to short to get stuck on this stuff.

I actually knew this guy named John who had the right idea about life. Very interesting guy was not very typical. He said all this stuff about "living in the moment". But yeah I really do agree with that. You can't spend too much time in the past because then your just depressing yourself but if you think to far into the future then your just stressing yourself out. So that's why I just try to  go with whatever happens and deal with it because there is no other way I would want to live my life. So take it or leave it I don't care. Just chill.

Yeah, this is way more calm then last chapter. Thank you for reading on to chapter 4!! Wow I getting these done quickly. But please comment spelling/grammar issues!!! Thank you for reading. Reading is good. Even though I don't really do it. Okay just keep reading. That was really stupid. But yet I'm keeping this in. Wow. Just Thank You!!!

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