Sorry Not Sorry

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Heyyy beaches!!! I'm just chillin' in that bath writing this and yeah!! So to start off this "fun" chapter I will just say if you don't love yourself your fucking stupid. If you don't think your special your so stupid. And there is nothing special about being stupid. Look, just be yourself. I don't know if you realize this or not but the person your talking to is at least decent if they don't care how pretty you are. If they don't care how much money you have. They wouldn't care if you like rock but they frickin hate it. That's why I hate it when people say oh look at her she's hot. Because I don't care if my friends/ S/O's are ugly af or have any sense of style because who cares. I want someone to like me for me and my delusional self. Because I'm not typical and I don't care. You shouldn't either. And with people who hate themselves.. here's a word of advice your the only person you will ever be so deal with your problems and move on you will never change who you are because your you and you should like that. You can't go around you life comparing yourself to everyone or you will be very depressed. Now this is why I have a problem with transgender people. I no that sounds really bad reading it but seriously. Why can't you just be yourself. And I know at least five people will read this and be like "they are too being themselves, they see themselves as a boy/girl/weird ass gender. What this persons problem?" But no, no they are not being themselves. They are trying to be someone there not and most of the time those people go through severe mental health problems and hate being whatever they turn into and are stuck like that unless they want to pay another 100,000 so turn back into their previously preferred gender. And especially when some six year old girl says she wants to be a boy and her parents totally support it because that's the liberal thing to do and then ten years later she is wishing she never said that and could be a girl again but won't tell her parents because they payed so much money to help her with her "dreams" and then she doesn't know where to vent and starts cutting herself and gets super depressed then one day kills herself from her chronic anxiety. So you see people just need to be themselves or they won't get anywhere in life.  I would love to support transgenders and if a friend of mine were I would support them but in general it's just goes against my values as a person and what I live by. I believe that everyone is worth something. But you know what's the best feeling in the world? Saving someone's life. So I had posted this thing on my advice Instagram account about suicide. And this girl dm's me thank you so much for posting that you saved my life I now realize how much it would hurt other people if I killed myself and then she says that she showed it to her friend and it saved her life too... you know good that feels? If you don't it just feels like your heart is exploding with warmth. Just have this amazing subtle smile on your face. It's like watching one of those super satisfying videos. You feel like your really worth a lot to someone in this world. I mean this day could not get any better.

Heyyyy!!! Thank you for reading my story!! Hope you enjoyed but I really don't know cuz I still don't have any feedback at all!!!! Please comment anything about this book and if you do like it what do you like about it? Thanks again I appreciate it!!

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