Solar System

25 2 1

Solar System- tiredtransparency

First of all, I'd like to say this piece of work is beautifully written and amazing, which is great praise as I do not just throw around compliments. The way this author has described the planets but personified them into almost sounding human. It's ridiculous, but somehow, this writer has managed to make me sympathise with the planet mercury. Their use of language is so emotive and descriptive that I no longer envision mercury as the big bold planet that it but as a lonely person.

And your description of Earth! Wow, I can find no words to describe the quality your writing has or find any fault in your writing in terms of grammar. Although not normally drawn in by this style or format of writing, I have been truly converted.

My favourite planet you have written about is Pluto. It is so touching.

I'm pretty much speechless. If anyone has time, I would advise them to read this short piece. It would only take a few minutes and you will be left stunned. I love it. Best piece like this I've read so far and it's so enlightening.

Your cover in a way let's your story down however, because in a sense, I expect perfection, but then again, I could dispute this by saying that the simplistic nature of your writing is fitting for your simplistic cover and how the planets are embedded into us.

Story: 9.9

Cover: 7.5

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