Chapter 2

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I jumped on my hover board and flew back to Beacons entrance. I turned it back into my scroll and entered Beacon
V- you know where your going right?
A- Violet please, I attended this place for four years and know the directions to Ozpins office off by heart.
V- stupid question. Just hurry up
I put my phone away and hurried to the lift. I got to Ozpins floor and found Glynda, Violet and Ozpin all laughing.
"What's so funny?" I said, walking in.
"You do know we could hear your whole conversation with Ironwood" Glynda said. I rolled my eyes.
"You really gave him an earful, didn't you?" Ozpin said, walking to hug me. Violet smirked and raised her eyebrow at me. I was tough on the outside but she knew I could easily be a softie sometimes.
"How was the Grimm fighting?" Violet asked. I rolled my eyes. I pulled away but Ozpin kept and arm around my shoulder.
"Terrible. Ironwood needs to fix that security. It's a mess!" I said.
"we heard" Ozpin chuckled. Glynda smiled at me.
"It's good to see your relaxing a bit more though. You seem to work 24/7" she said.
"I haven't seen her ever take a break since two months ago" Violet spoke up. Ozpin pulled me closer to him. I saw Glynda look at Violet and gesture to the door.
"Oh right. We'll be back soon" Violet said, winking at me. I smiled at them as they left the room. Ozpin immediately hugged me.
"Astrid, you need to take a break. This works only going to stress you out" he said.
"I don't have time to rest. I'm fine, honestly" I said. Ozpin wasn't easily fooled and he tilted my head up with his hand.
"Hey, it's ok to not work for at least a day. I'm worried about your health Astrid. I want to make sure your ok" he said. I smiled at him.
"Why are you so nice?" I said. He laughed. He leaned in and kissed me. When we pulled away we held my shoulders.
"Just relax and-" Ozpin was cut off by the doors opening. Ironwood walked in, a proud look on his face.
"James.What a....pleasant surprise" Ozpin said. I was still furious with him.
"Who do you think you are? Walking in here like you own the place" I said.
"Well at least I don't make childish phone calls complaining about a 'problem' hmm?" He sternly said. I strained to go for him.
"What did you just say?" I growled.
"Now Astrid" Ozpin said.
"I said at least I don't make childish phone calls" he sneered. I knew I would see red if I continued to talk so I activated my semblance and. turned invisible. I reappeared in the elevator as the doors shut. I raced out of Beacon and into the courtyard. My scroll immediately rang.
"Demeni. Where the hell are you? Can't find you anywhere"
"Hope you never do. Look, I have to focus on this worlds safety. I don't have time for myself and what I want anymore, understood?" I said. I put the phone down and walked through the courtyard.
"Astrid!" Shouted a voice. Violet came running up to me.
"Are you ok? Ozpin said you just left when James got there" she said frantically.
"I'm fine. Come on. We've got work to do" I said. She nodded and we made our way to the emerald forest. The place is usually swarming with Grimm but was surprisingly quiet. There was a large circle of grass surrounded by trees deep in the forest. I stopped Violet and we took a breather.
"Now. Tell me what is really going on" she said. I sat with my back against a tree.
"I'm on my last nerve with ironwood. Never have I been so mad in my life" I said. Violet looked surprised.
"So you didn't leave because of Ozpin?" She asked, her Bunny ears perking up.
"Of course not. I left because that crap head showed up. He just strolled in like he owns Beacon and started talking. Just like...Urgh!" I raged. Violet shook her head.
"You really need to get that under control" she said.
"Your anger. You're taking it out on people. I know you mean well Astrid, I really do, but you have to just breathe. Stop pushing yourself" she said. I sighed.
"I can't. I've tried everything. Listen Violet, I really have tried to fix myself. Something's are fragile and are easily broken. It's unfixable. I still don't understand why Oz took Interest in me In the first place" I said.
"Because he loves you Astrid. I'm going to go search the area, please, stay here and relax a bit" she said. I smiled at her as she left the area. Soon after, someone spoke.
"Quess the saying 'if you every want to die, fall in love and you'll get killed' can be true huh? I mean look what happened to Summer Rose" I looked up and saw Roman Torchwick laughing at himself. I didn't are. I sprung up and held my sword up to his neck.
"Your a feisty one, aren't cha?" He smirked. I glared and kicked him down, holding him down with my foot, I held the sword to his face.
"Well what now? Gonna hand me over to Ironwood?" He said. I but my lip. I didn't trust him, but he has instructed for us to take Roman to him. I dialled his number, still holding Roman down.
"What?" He growled.
"Just shut up and come and get Roman. I caught him in the emerald forest near the east area" I said. The phone was out down. I went back to Roman.
"So, you really don't like him huh? What about Ozz?"
"That's Ozpin to you" I glared. Roman laughed. Ironwoods airship pulled in and soldiers picked Roman up and took him inside. Ironwood walked after me when I left.
"Astrid wait" he said. I turned and glared.
"What else can you possibly do to make today harder than it already is?" I growled.
"We're meant to be an alliance. You help us take down the enemy"
"You know that isn't what this is about"
"Maybe if you got your anger under control there wouldn't be a problem"
"Well Maybe if you-"
"James. Astrid. That's quite enough" said Ozpin coming out of the trees, Glynda  following him. I glared at Ironwood and turned on my heel. I started to walk into the forest, ignoring the others calling me...

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