Chapter 12

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"Ruby? What can Ruby do?" I asked.

"Well, Ruby's silver eyes are some of the most powerful I've witnessed in my many years of living. I believe that if Miss. Rose can activate her silver eyes I can absorb the energy through Oscar and be put back into my previous body" Ozpin explained. Before I could reply, a door creaked open and Ruby slowly walked out.

"Uncle Qrow, Astrid? Who's that?" She mumbled, sleepily.

"It's nice to see you again Ruby" Ozpin spoke. Her sleepy eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

"Professor Ozpin?! Why are age?" She gasped.

"It's incredibly hard to explain, Ruby" I told her. We sat her down and told her everything, including the part about her eyes.

"So you need me to use my eyes to bring you back?" She asked.

"Indeed we do, Is that okay?" Ozpin questioned her. I squeezed her hand.

"You don't have to, sweetheart" I whispered to her. She shook her head.

"I'll do it" Ruby smiled widely.

"Thank you, Ruby" I told her, happily.

"So when do we do it, Oz?" Qrow asked. 

"Whenever you like. I'm sure it would be pointless leaving me with Oscar for a long time"

"Can we do it today? Like in an hour or something? I have a comic to finish real quick" She mumbled. I laughed.

"Of course. Go finish your comic" I laughed again as she raced from her seat to her room.

"I can't believe it's that simple" Qrow spoke, drinking from a flask.

"I know. I still can't believe you're back, Ozpin" I sat back in my seat. Ozpin gave Oscar back the control and he looked worryingly at us.

"S-So...What's going on?" He stuttered. We smiled at him.

"How do you feel about becoming a huntsman, Oscar?"


I knocked on Ruby's door.

"Ruby? Did you finish?" I asked. She rolled of her bed in shock.

"Astrid! I had no idea you were there!" She shouted, rubbing her head. I laughed.

"Sorry. Anyways, you ready?"

" I guess so" She got up and walked out of the room, trailing behind me. I led her to the large outdoor space behind the house. Oscar stood nervously with Qrow, who didn't seem to notice as he was deciding between alcohol. After seeing us, he shrugged and poured both into his flask. I shook my head and brought my attention to Oscar.

"Ready?" I asked, a warm smile plastered on my face. He hesitantly nodded as Ozpin took over.

"Alright. Astrid, Qrow, I must ask you to keep a safe distance from us. This is not an easy process" Ozpin told us, firmly. We did so and kept quite far away. Ozpin was talking through something with Ruby as I noticed Qrow looked sceptical.

"What's up?" I asked. His eyes narrowed as he stared at Ozpin.

"There's no way it's that simple. There's surely some kind of catch" He spat out, angrily. I tugged his arm.

"It'll be fine" I spoke, listening in on Oz and Ruby's conversation.

"Now Ruby. For this process to work, I will have to project an image into your mind that activated your eyes last time. Is that ok?" He asked. She nodded her head.

"Here we go" Suddenly, Ruby's eyes stared at nothing, her expression changing to one of horror. Her mouth moved as if she was speaking, but no words came out. She slowly angled her ehad down, bringing her arms to cover her head. Her head snapped back and she silently screamed a name, her eyes erupting with silver. Qrow and I stood with our mouths open. I restrained him from running to her. After her eyes erupted, the silver magic surrounded Oscar and he was no longer visible. Ruby dropped to her knees and her sight went back to normal. Within seconds, streams of tears fell from her glistening eyes and onto her lap.

"Ruby!" Qrow and I shouted, running down and engulfing her into a hug. She sobbed into my shoulder.

"P-Pyrrha...P-Penny" She mumbled between sobs. I clutched her small figure and rocked her slightly, shushing her to calm her. I felt my shirt dampen, but I didn't care. I brought her face back so she could see me. She sniffled and looked down through her raven and red hair.

"Hey, It's okay sweetheart. You're safe"

"B-But they're not" She whimpered. I pulled her back into the hug and looked up at Qrow. He had rolled up his sleeves and was getting ready to punch whatever came from that silver mess for making his niece cry. As it disappeared , Qrow swung his fist at it, only for it to come back and land directly in his own face. Oscar stood panting, as if he had been running.

"Oscar?" I muttered.

"I-I don't have Ozpin anymore, Ma'am" He told me, playing with his fingers.

"Well where is he?" Qrow asked, groaning from the impact.

"I...I don't know"

Before anyone could speak, a voice cut in.

"OH COME ON. ALL THAT FOR NOTHING? ARE YOU KIDD-" Nora's loud voice was cut off by Ren covering her mouth. I turned to see the remains of team JNPR stood in the glass doorway, their faces plastered with awe. 

"Sorry about her. She's cranky since I refused to make a fourth batch of pancakes" Ren calmly explained. I shook my head. This was going to be an interesting week.

Goodness! It's been so long! I apologise greatly everyone I 've had MAJOR writers block. Hope you can forgive me. Also, Thank you so much for 3.9k reads!!! I didn't think this story would be so popular when I started it, honestly, but here we are! I hope you continue to enjoy my content and stick around for more! Enjoy your day~

-Blue <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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