Ch. 2 The girl's name

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A tear rolled down her cheek when the flashback ended. (Flashback), it was a cold night. She was sitting alone crying because both of her parents died in a car crash, she had no one to talk, nowhere to live...and she was cold... Suddenly a boy came and sat beside her. He asked her why she was crying alone, but she doesn't answer him back. Then he tried introducing himself to her to gain her trust.

The boy and the girl's P.O.V

-"What's your name...? Mine's Eren...Eren Jaeger."

-"An-Annie...Annie Leonhardt..."

-"Nice to meet you Annie, care enough to tell me what's wrong...?

-"My parents a c-car crash..."

-"I'm sorry to hear that, also happened to me as well quite a while ago..."


Five months passed as Eren and Annie became very good friends and a bond was built as time passed. Annie started to develop feelings for Eren and wanted to become more then friends, but on the night that she wanted to confess her feelings for him, He announced to her that he's moving out of the town and he's transferring to a new school. When she heard about the news...she cried her eyes out and begged him to stay with her by her side but he says that he cannot... Eren gave her a silvered colored ring that his dad gave to him, and puts it on her finger saying that he will come back for that ring... (End of flashback).

Annie wipes her tears as she heads back to the school. When she reaches to the place, she looks around if she can find that boy once again to ask him a question but she had no chance to see him all day. The bell rings for start of the last class of the day. While she was putting away her books in the locker, she noticed that same guy and girl, staring her with a death glare, that she saw this morning walking towards her.

Eren and Annie's P.O.V

-"Hey, were you that girl that I bump into this morning."

-"Y-yes...yes I am..."

-"How are you feeling right now? "

-"I'm feeling tired...b-but I have a q-question..."

-"Sure go ahead"

And this is the end of the chapter: Ch. 2 The girl's name. I'm so so sorry for the cliff-hanger, but I love making them so ya... I hope you enjoyed this chapter :3

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