Chapter 1

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Arabella King, that's my name. I'm seventeen and bit geek but that's fashionable now,right? I just find things more interesting than the 'cool' people.

Travelling down the winding Cornish roads. Mother trying to direct Dad but as usual he think he knows best and sister just telling them to shut it. This going to be a long journey. I slowly place my headphones into my ears and enter my own world.

Wack. Best way to be woke up, not! Car came to a halt outside our new house. As I exit the car while rubbing my head. Fresh scents of salty water seep into my nostrils. The squawking of seagull flying, reminds me that no longer in the city to be correct London is were I left for this tiny town. These will be the best few year of my life, not! I miss home. Like Dorothy said ' There no place like home.'

Mom and Dad unpacking down stairs when the doorbell rings. Wait, we don't know anybody here?Getting off my bed I walk toward the top of the stairs. I lean over the banister so I can see the door. Mom answers, I make out from the muffles that there are neighbours but one. Mother do not invited them in. Funny that because she did the opposite. I couldn't get a glimpse of them as the enter.

'Arabella come downstairs we have guests' vocalised up the stairs

No, I am noting going down stairs I look a state!

'Arabella, Arabella come down stairs now!' Shouts Mother

Shit! I hope there like an old couple because I wouldn't have to impress them. At this moment in time I have sleep still in my eyes and hair in a messy bun. I apply a thin layer make up and released my hair. It fell into perfect curls that the only thing I like about myself is my hair. Pfft, I stomp down stairs and enter the living room. Well what you call it because it basically empty bar few sofas. Sliding into the nearest seat. I dared to look up at who was an to my surprise it was better! It was a couple with a daughter about my sister age with meant no interaction! By the way I'm not antisocial just tired. There were busy gassing each other, so I causally left the room. I tugged on converses and left the house.

Walking the streets of my new hometown with my music blasting in my ears. Perfect! Been walking good ten minutes when I came across a small row of shops and on the other side of the street walk was railing. Me being curious went to find out what was below. Crossed the road and peer over to find a beach.

Slipped off my shoes and let the warm sand move between my toes. Wander over to sea and let the water run over my toes. Felt so lovely. Glancing up I saw some lads surfing. Before I carry on when ever I go on holiday surfing was my favourite thing to do and not to bad if I say so myself. But one of the lads stood out. Every wave he went for he caught, I'm jealous. After a few more waves they started heading in shore. Yet I will was still watching him and he had suddenly clocked my and strolled on in my direction. Sugar crumpets! He's body glimpse in the sunlight as the water rushed off him. An before I new it this lad was stood in front of me.

'Get a good view or is this better' lad spoke

As I look up at his face it was perfect, strong jaw and defined cheek bones. He's blonde mess hair was push back off his with his fingers. Theses gorgeous green orbs starred down at me but this was all ruin by the smirk plaster across face.

' Not really I watching the surfers now your stood in front of me' I said

' I couldn't help but notice that you were starring at me? So you want to get some?' He question while wiggling his eyebrows

I ignore his last comment because that was not the reason.

'You have some great talent you know, I'm jealous!'

'Maybe I could teach you sometime and you'd could me a favour?' Winking at me

I scoffed and stormed off. He snickered to himself as I left.

Once I got home the neighbours had left and I went straight to my room. After a few hours my phone buzz and I had receive a text. It read:


Hey Bel! How's the seaside town? I still can't believe my best friend left me! Just tell me if any boys mess with you I'll be on the first train there! x

Oh I do miss the city already, I wanna be at my real home with my real life , not here.

My writing will get better the more I carry on!

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