The Untold Story

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later that night, after she got back to her apartment, she opened a new bottle of whiskey slumped back onto her couch. she stared blankly at her laptop with the USB still plug in. Jess quickly took a gulp from her bottle the mumble "screw it." she grabbed the laptop and flipped it open.

Jess opened the file and got to the video, just before she could start the video there was a knock at the door.

Jess sighed and opened the door. It was Trish.

Jessica gestured her to come in. after a brief conversation with Trish, they had decided to watch the video together in case one of them missed something.

the video started out with a man wearing a white coat. the screen only showed him from the shoulders down and the desk he sat at. he began speaking to the camera, almost like it was a journal entry.

"Day one of project Kilgrave."

Jessica's heart skipped a beat. she then paused the video and began putting pieces together out loud.

"he didn't choose "Kilgrave" as a nickname accidentally. that was the name of the project that he experimented in."

"Oh my god Jess..." Trish exclaimed.

without giving Trish a chance to say any more she resumed the video.

the man sat up and sighed.

"so far none of the subjects have survived, however with the right adjustments to chemical intake I believe... no, I know that this time it'll work."

he glanced down almost like he was grief stricken.

"it has to... it has to work."

he took a deep breath and straighten his back."

"subject K, approximate age five. arrived at the lab at fifteen twenty-three. now that he is fully conscience we are ready to introduce him to Kevin.

Trish paused the video and stared at her.

"This is... wait... this doesn't make sense." Trish started. "I thought Kilgrave was Kevin."

Jess looked back at her. "This just got more and more confusing."

"look its late maybe we should take a break." suggested Trish.

"no not until this video is over." insisted Jess.

Jessica resumed the video.

the scene cut and it went to a room. the room was plain and in the middle was a table with the five-year-old handcuffed to one side of the table.

the kid was silent, he sat there and stared at the door terrified.

jess started to study the kid's face to see if he could really be Kilgrave. it didn't take much to reach the conclusion that the man that she has captive in a cage is the little boy who was just kidnapped.

suddenly, in the video, the door opened and the man from the beginning of the video walked in, his face was cut out. he was pushing another kid in a week chair. this kid seemed to have no use of his limbs what so ever. He was hooked up to different machines that were probably keeping alive.

the man set the wheelchair on the opposite side of the table. They sat in silence for a while. then the man kneeled down next to the kid in the week chair.

the child, supposedly kilgrave, started to pull on the handcuff.

"who are you?! I want to go home! Please!" he begged

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