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"Mumma" Atticus whines as I buckle him into his car seat. We had spent a few hours with Taylor and the twins but we were now heading home seeing as Niall had texted me and told me that the movers had finished and left the house so it was safe to bring Atticus back home. "No whining Atticus" I warn as I step back and close the door before climbing into the drivers seat. "I want to stay here" Atticus huffs from the back seat making me roll my eyes. "I don't care" I say making him let out a frustrated scream. I decide to ignore him as I turn the car on and drive home.

For about ten minuets Atticus continued to whine while I ignored him but he suddenly stopped when I drove down our road. I look in the review mirror to see the young child had cried himself to sleep making me sigh in relief. It was past his nap time which is probably why he was grumpy. I pull into our driveway and turn the car off. I gather my things before climbing out of the car and close my door quietly before opening the back door where Atticus was peacefully sleeping. I smile slightly and unbuckle the belt before lifting him small body out of the seat.

I adjust him so he was comfortable before closing the car door softly and make my way up to the front door where Niall was standing and waiting for me. I give him a smile as I walk past him and inside the house. "Hey babe" Niall greets softly, I greet him back before walking over to the living room where the couch was still sitting. We were planning on moving out tomorrow seeing as we had pretty much nothing in the house except for the basic furniture that was going to be staying in the house and we have already purchased new furniture for the new house. "How much is left?" I question Niall once I had laid Atticus down on the couch and had covered him with a little blanket.

"We've just got a few boxes for us to take" I nod and walk into the kitchen with Niall behind me. "So tomorrow?" I question and he nods his head "yeah that's the plan. Do you still want to go tomorrow?" Niall questions as he places some food out for the puppy who comes running over happily. I smile as the puppy immediately began eating the food like he hasn't eaten in days even though he had food this morning. "Yeah tomorrow's fine" I say as I take a seat at the counter.

"Good" Niall says as he walks over to me and stands between my legs. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck and begin playing with the hair at the back of his neck. "I love you, you know that right?" Niall questions softly and I nod my head "yeah I know" I whisper as I lean in close to him so our lips were about to meet "I love you too, so much" I murmur, Niall seemed to not be able to resist anymore because he lent in more so our lips met. When I finally registered what was happening I kissed Niall back just as passionate as he was.


"Mumma" Atticus whines as I walk into the living room after hearing him call for me. "Yeah baby?" I question as I walk over to him and take a seat on the couch and pull him onto my lap. "I wanna cuddle" he tells me as he cuddles into my arms. "Alright baby" I say softly as I get comfortable on the couch and turn the TV onto a reasonable channel before wrapping my arms around my baby boy and cuddled with him.

"Cuddling without me?" Niall questions a moment later when he walks into the kitchen "yep" Atticus says softly making me chuckle. Niall walks over to the couch and takes a seat beside me before pulling me back into his chest so he could wrap his arms around Atty and I. I smile and place my head on Niall's chest as we watch the TV show as a family.

We all stayed there on the couch for about an hour watching the TV until Niall's phone rang from the kitchen so I had to get off him so he could go get it. I groan and move to the side as Niall got up and raced into the kitchen. "Sh babe" I whisper as I trail my fingers down Atty's back to settle him. He's been really quiet the whole time, he wasn't sleeping though so that was good. "babe?" I turn to the kitchen to see Niall standing there with his phone in his hand.

"yeah?" I question "Do you want to go out and have dinner with the guys?" he questions and I think for a moment before nodding my head. "yeah sure" I say and he nods before walking back into the kitchen talking to the person on the other end of the line. "Hey baby, how about we go have a bath?" I question Atty softly and he nods his head so I stand up with him in my arms and carry him upstairs.

I don't bother about getting clothes yet so I just head into the bathroom where I place Atty down on the closed toilet seat so I could set the bath. I put the plug in the tub and turn the water on so it could fill up. I made sure that the hot and cold was on so he could have a warm bath. I also add some baby wash to the water before turning the taps off when the water reached a certain height in the bath.

"come here babe" Atty gets off the toilet seat and walks over to where I was kneeling down. I give him a small smile before I stripped him down from his clothing. "Ready?" Atticus nods so I lift him up and place him down in the water. I turn to the cabinet behind me and pull out the bath products like combs, conditioner and other stuff like that. I grab the comb before turning back to Atticus and began combing through his hair.

Once all the knots were combed out I grab a cup and fill it up with water from the bath. "Close your eyes" I tell Atticus who obeys and squeezes his eyes closed as I tip the cup over his head. Once the cup was empty I wipe Atty's face before telling him he could open his eyes. I comb through his hair again before I washed it.

About fifteen minuets later Atticus was nice and clean so I empty the bath and lift him out before drying him. Once he was dry I got him to brush his teeth while I blow dry his hair. When I blow dry his hair it always makes his hair fluffy which I think is adorable. By the time I had blow dried Atty's hair he had finished brushing his teeth so I took the brush from him and brushed them again so I could do a better job.

A few minuets later I lift Atticus off the counter with the towel still wrapped around him and carry him to mine and Niall's bedroom where I lay him down at the end of the bed and unwrap him from the towel before putting a diaper on him. Once the diaper was secure on him I search through the suitcases full of clothes until I find a suitable outfit for him before getting him dressed. Once Atticus was already I took him downstairs to stay with Niall while I walked back upstairs and got myself ready for the evening.

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