A new beginning

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        He was there, standing in the rain. Crying, because what I did made him hurt even more than I imagined. I should've told him, he was the perfect one for me but I ruined it. All of this, because of me. This is my story, me falling.

        Hey, my name is Tulisa Ekans. We finally have to go back. If you didn't know it's school, everyone's hell hole. Waking up 6:35 am everyday. Once I got off my bed, I went straight to my bathroom. Brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, curled it, changed into my green bomber jacket, black and white striped shirt and my ripped jeans. I put on some black boots and ran down the stairs to eat breakfast.

        Today, was the first day of high school (junior). I already miss summer and my friends! It was the best but that's just another story. Going back just means more memories of horror. New people and a new beginning.

        Once I walked out of my house I went straight to my friends house so we could walk with each other. By then it was 8:45 am. Classes start at 9:20 am but no one cares. I waved at my friend, Hazel. Hazel is 16 years old, full name is Hazel Gray. Her mom is a lawyer and her dad is a doctor. She's very caring, can be geeking at times and loves to play sports. Straight As since she was in kindergarten. Hazel usually gets more than a 4.0. Her favorite collage is Harvard. She has brown eyes, hair, and thick eyebrows. Curvy but skinny. As you can tell she's... perfect. "Hey! I missed you so much!" I said happily to my best friend. "I missed you so much to!" She said hugging me like we haven't seen each other in years.

        While we were walking down the cold gray cement we saw Haiven, full name is Haiven Collins. Haiven is very popular. She has almost 274k followers on insta and has 142k followers on twitter. Her beauty is always astonishing. Boys would always head her way because... look at her she's amazing! She also get amazing grades. Hey, get a girl who can do both! Fashion sense is on point, very tumblr and amazing hair quality. Her parents are rich and live in a mansion. Plays many sports and gets very competitive. Yeah, my friends are perfect and I'm just a normal human being that isn't good at anything.

        We all walked to school and saw many new people, we knew that there will be stares here and there. People were astonished by how beautiful they are. Then we say many cute guys that were coming our way.

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Hey guys! I hope you liked the first chapter of my new book that I just started. Thank you guys for reading. Love y'all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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