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Your p.o.v

We sat on my bed, talking and laughing, being happy and reminiscing. He smiled when he brought up the first time we met. I didn't expect it to come this far at the time, I didn't even expect to be friends with him, but we've been friends for 7 years.

" It was hilarious when we met, I always stayed quiet but I was just sick of those asses, they picked on me and I guess when they picked on you, I snapped." I said as I leaned on Yuri .

" I was just a 7 year old who didn't think, two huge fifth graders picking on you, and I walked over when they were calling you a 'girl and a bully'. I walked up to them with my hands on my hips and said 'You guys are the girls, because you're both bitches, and next time you pick on someone it will end in a cat fight.' And I grabbed your arm and strutted off." I said with a smile that stretched across my whole face.

" You never were one to take bull shit for too long." Yuri said while laughing and his hair fell over his green eyes.

" Kind of, I just took most of it but when it really bothered me I blew up." I said falling back on the bed as my voice became softer and sadder.

I grabbed yuri's hand and he laid down with me.

" What's wrong y/n?" He said with concern and worry as he locked gaze with my e/c eyes.

" I'm going to miss you so much when you leave, I know I'll have to go on as normal, but I don't know what I'll do." I said as the glimmer in my eye faded away.

He hugged me and held me tight " Eventually we'll have to separate sooner or later, but right now I'm glad I get to be with you." He said as I nodded.

" We'll always be friends, right?"

" Promise." He said with a serious look in his eyes.

" Alright let's go to sleep, after watching f/m (favorite movie) and eating popcorn." I said while smiling and getting up to find the DVD that was scratched from being used so often.

" I'm lucky your parents let me, a 14 year old boy, sleepover but I think it'll be pushing it by making popcorn at-" he turned on his phone and looked down at the screen.

" 12:47 a.m" he said with a smirk.

" How do we always manage to plan to go to sleep at 11, but always stay up much later?" I said while quietly laughing.

" I don't know." Yuri said laughing with shining eyes as I put the DVD in.

" Let's just watch the movie, and then go to sleep, okay?" I asked.

" Popcorn?" He asked with an adorable pleading smile.

" Ugh, when you make that face I can't resist, but be quiet." I said as he hugged me.

" Thanks!" He said skipping along like a little kid since popcorn was always one of his favorite foods that he rarely had.

" Be quiet dork, with your skipping, you're shaking the whole house."

" Asshole!"

" So that's why they call you a punk." I said smiling.


The next day I was heart broken.

He held me for 10 minutes while I was crying and he was trying to fight back tears. He told me he had to leave that day to pursue figure skating.

We stayed in my room for 2 hours before he went to see his grandpa and we all drove him to the airport.

We promised to stay in contact, and we did for a while.

Despite the close friends we were, long distance and different time schedules made it so hard.

We lacked in texting with responses taking up to a week, and then it eventually just stopped.

It stopped 1 year ago to be precise, and ever since I've had to move on, and it's been hard.

I fell in to depression for a couple of weeks, but nothing too serious.

I got my life back together, made some new friends, and now I'm just living my life like it never happened.

Even though I act like it never happened we sometimes texted once in a while, but I was always there to support by giving him kind words and watching his competitions, cheering him on from my couch.

And then he had a competition here, and I knew it would be great to see him, but it would break my heart.

Hey guys! This story is much easier and a lot more fun to write than my victuuri fanfiction. I ship it but I don't have ideas, and if I don't get feedback I may take it down. I would appreciate any feedback on this story, and thanks for reading!

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