Wizard and Wolf edited

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Mia Pov

It is really dark around me and I'm walking around the forest not knowing where I am!

"Well, well, well, look what we have here." I heard a dark creepy voice say. I turned around and see a shadow in the distance. I looked harder and harder trying to see if I recognize the face or figure at that matter. But I don't.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Have I changed so much Mia?" he asked.

"Look I don't care who you are, but you need to leave now!" My wolf growled! Her name is Alyssa by the way. "Do u know him?" I asked through our connection.
"I don't know, he sounds so familiar though." she said.

"Oh come on Mia, you know better then to have you wolf scream at your mate like that. Remember who's the boss here!" he said smirking. 
" I'm not your mate, I would feel it if I was. Now if you don't want my wolf to rip you to pieces I suggest you hit the road and don't come back!"  I could feel Alyssa wanting to come out. But I held my ground against her. I really needed to see who this guy really was and what he wanted with me. And why does he keep saying I'm his mate?

Finally he steps out from the shadows and he looked so familiar with his dark black hair, green eyes, looked about 6ft tall and built with muscles. I looked a little more closely and I couldn't believe my eyes! It was my ex, my crazy most abusive psychotic ex boyfriend; "BRAD!" Alyssa hissed.

"You know I wasn't sure at first! I didn't believe it was you, until I came here." Brad said walking to me slowly.

He started smiling so creepy that he gave me goose bumps all over my body. I still can't believe he found me I haven't seen him in 5 years ever since that incident happened.
I started to feel tears coming down my face and I didn't know what to do. So many emotions were going through my body and brain right now. Which one was real? Before anything else happened, Alyssa took over my body so quick, I couldn't even stop her. "LEAVE NOW!!" She was in full rage right now and I don't know how to control her in this state.

  " I don't think so Alyssa, you see I blame you for having my innocent Mia run away from me. And I hate I have to do this, but;"
He turned around towards the darkness and waves his hand over screaming "Bring him out."

I took back control and was more confused then ever! There is more of them? Who does he have coming out? "What do you mean you don't want to do this? Who is that? "I asked.

" I'll make a deal with you Mia, if you come with me now and be my mate and Luna of my pact I will give you the well life you deserve and we can live happily ever after! Or you can choose to see this pathetic friend of yours be ripped apart!" he asked. The guy he order earlier threw someone to the middle of me and Brad. All I heard was coughing and grunting and I looked closely and notice it was Jacob! My best friend since childhood, the person that help me escape Brads' ruthless ass and took so many beating day and night for me!!!!

  Jacob?!" I whispered.
I looked up with teary eyes looking straight into Brads' "WHY? Why now Brad? After everything we have been through, all those beating we have took from you. Why can't you just let me go? It have been five years! Five damn years I have been happy away from you! Why can't you just stay away?"

I felt more tears coming down my face and all I can see was that cold hearted smile on his face and I knew his answer wasn't gonna be pleasant.
"Well you see Mia, you have the power! More power then anyone can imagine. Honestly I want to share that power. When I mate and mark you half of you comes to me. And half of us will go to our pups one day. We would be unstoppable! No one would dare try and touch us! I need you Mia to help my pact become the strongest of them all. You would be by my side, taking leadership and being a Luna, wife, and mother. So what do you say? Are you with me?"

I started to walking little by little to Jacob hoping to make it in time but Brad looked up and yelled forcefully.
"Take another step Mia and I will kill him. Deal or not!"

" Let him go! I will go with you. Just promise me you will not hurt him ever again. You stay away as far as possible. We will go somewhere where he would not find us!" I agreed.
" Are you nuts!" My wolf asked me.
"I can't let him get hurt for me anymore. He already took to many beating for me. Enough is enough! I need to give him what he wants and that's me, we can finally stop running and Jacob can live his life."

"Deal! Now start walking to me." Brad agreed happily.
I started walking to him till I was finally in his arms. He kissed my neck and sniffed my scent. It took everything in my power to not move away in disgust.
"Now let him go!" I said.
Brad smiles and nodded before I knew it the guy took the chains off Jacob and threw him further away from us! I heard coughing and grunting even more from Jake. He was hurt and no matter how badly I wanted to run to him to make sure he was ok I couldn't. And I know this is going to be the last time I ever see him and that breaks me to pieces.

"Mia don't do this please! You deserve better then him. You don't need to ruin your life to save mine. I love you Mia, I always have I see you more then a sister and friend. You deserve to be happy with me or your real mate. Not with him." Jacob says very slowly through in and out coughs.

Before I can really react, I felt burning skin hitting my back and I turn around to see Brad furious. Black eyes indicating that his wolf has serviced and his whole body burning red.

"Did you know about this? Did you know he felt this way?" Brad looked down at me asking if I knew.

I started backing up slowly with my hands up. "Calm down Brad please, you are scaring me. Of course I didn't know about how Jake felt about me. I promise I only see him as my friend and nothing else!"
"Liar! You knew this entire time, why are you hiding it?"
"I swear I'm telling the truth why would I lie?"
"Don't ever lie to your alpha!!"
Before I knew it I was thrown against a hard tree and that was the last thing I remembered before blacking our.


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