Chapter 10

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Mia Pov Dream

I saw me when I was 14 and it was after I got the beaten up Jake was telling me calm words "we are going to kill them" I heard Brad yell downstairs I went down stairs and saw him talking to his beta Matt thank the gods he couldn't see me

"The ocean blue pack is her home her brother Jeff is the alpha they have strong warriors and a big pack how are we gonna compete with that,there not just gonna hand Mia over without a fight" Matt said

"you have a point there, we'll go when the wolf star rises they'll be celebrating we'll attack with surprise" Brad said

"that's brilliant and we can finally have our luna, and the wolf star is in three months we'll have enough time to train the wolfs harder then ever we'll be stronger" Matt said

"Shhh I feel like someone is watching us" Brad said uh-oh I ran out side seeing it wasn't me they smelt it was a young boy?

"What are you doing boy"Matt yelled at him

"I-I.. Was gonna go pick berries" he said

"Don't lie" Brad said coming up behind him "take him to the cell Matt"Brad screamed and went off. I looked up and notice this day hasn't happened yet I needed to find how far this place is from the pact house I formed into my wolf and started running about 30min until I found the pack house I looked inside and it was silence only the clock ticking it said 7:00am.

* End of dream*

"I have to save that little boy" I whispered I got out of bed changed into a sweat shirt and sweat pants I put on my boots put my wand in my boot as well put my hair in a messy bun and grab my phone and invisible cape I snuck out the window and ran to the woods "ok it's 6:00am right now so I have 1 hr" I started running in my human form we have to get him before they do Alyssa screamed I know I told her I put my phone in my mouth tied the cape to my back and formed into my wolf and spirited.

After 30 min I got there I went back to my human form and I saw the boy at the window looking inside. I ran fast as I can and grabbed the boy fast and climbed a tree I put the invisible cape around us and I think the little boy understood cause he kept quiet.

"Who's there" Brad screamed

"Brad no one is here" Matt said

"Yea no one is around back either false alarm" Brad said they both went back inside

"What were you doing, you could've got yourself killed" I asked whispering

"I was looking for food" he said

" but where's your parents? why did you go out on your own" I asked

"My parents are gone" he said

"I'm sorry, hey how bout you come stay with us" i asked

"Really"he asked

"Yea I know they won't mind" I said

"Can I take my siblings with me"he asked

"Of course they can come" I said "let's get down from this tree first" we climbed down and he led me to where they are and after a couple of min we were standing in front of a cave.

I smelt something wonderful it smelt like the forest then I saw a guy standing in front of me. Mate Alyssa screamed mate he growled he came up to me and kissed me not intence but soft and gentle that kiss made

Everything go away the only thing that mattered was me and him there was fireworks going off everywhere. After what felt like forever someone cleared there throats we stopped and turnearound seeing a girl standing there she looked around our age?

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