Meeting The General

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If there is one thing you should know about me, its that I do not like waking up. And I regret not telling Celeste that. 

"Wake up! You have to meet the General."

"Can't that wait for five minutes?" I grumbled opening up one eye.

"No. Now get up." 

"Fine." I sit up and stretch. 

She led me to the main control center where her mother stood.

"General Leia Organa-Solo meet Jaylin Hux."

I don't know what it is was but she itimidated me like crazy. 

"Celeste why is there a member of the First Order here?"

"Actually General, I escaped from them. They tried to take me to Snoke but I didn't want to go. I come here as  a chance of redemption. I want to help defeat the First Order. And I know that place like the back of my hand."

"Well then, dear, welcome to the resistance. And I gladly appreciate your offer. If you will come with me we can discuss a plan to take them down."

"Yes ma'am." I followed after Leia, "Bye Celeste!" I waved goodbye to her as she went to her training.

"It seems that you have taken a liking to my daughter."

"I call her my new partner in crime."

She takes me into a private room and looks at me with pleading eyes.

"I'm glad you came here. Since Rey left we have been more vunerable. Please tell us all you know about their plans."

"With pleasure ma'am."


"Thank you Jaylin, you have helped the resistance a bunch."

"There is no need to thank me, it's the least I could do since you let me stay here."

What happened next surprised me.

She gave me a hug. Not just any old hug. It was a motherly kind of hug. And I gladly returned it.

"I should get going."

"Ok dear. Just don't hurt yourself."

"I make no promises." 


I reached my shared room and sat down on my bed when my head starts to pound. I grab my head as I hear a message inside my head.

"You can't escape us." 

My vision blurred as the outside world darkened. The last thing I heard was someone calling my name.

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