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"Someone help!" Tobi screamed out, Dr Moy ran into the room called out to a nurse to get an ECG as she noticed that he collapsed onto his side which he got operated on.
"Can you lift him up onto the bed for me?" Tobi slowly lifted the fragile body and delicately placed him back into the bed. A nurse ran in with the ECG and stood waiting for the doctor. She placed the ECG onto Simon's side and looked at the screen.
"What is it? What's wrong?" Tobi asked fearfully.
"Can you see here, the discolouration? That indicates that he has bruised it slightly, so I'm going to give you some Lorazepam to take home because for the next few nights, I believe he's going to get agitated by that and experience some pain. If that does happen, I want you to inject 5ml of the Lorazepam into the stitched scar and that should help ease the pain and also change the dressing every time you need to inject him to reduce the risk of infection" Tobi looked at the doctor and nodded accordingly, she then placed the oxygen mask over Simon and went to get Tobi the Lorazepam.

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