I Will (Not) Be Fine

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*Lauren's POV*


"Hi, Lauren! I was wondering if you could bring my books home from school because I'm sick today." He asks me while coughing a few times. His voice sounds strained and I bet he doesn't look too good either.

"Sure, Liam. I'll be over your house after school to drop them off! Feel better!"

"Thanks Lauren! You're awesome!"

"Yeah I know. Bye, Liam!"


Great, now I'm gonna have to go through school without him. This is gonna be a long day...


School's so boring without Liam. I had to do my lab all on my own because my lab partner, Liam, is sick. Fun.

Just 7 more minutes til I get out of this hellhole and I can visit my sick best friend.

I wish I was pretty like all those other girls. I try not to think about being pretty, or wishing I was pretty because looks aren't everything. But it's just so damn hard when everyone else is just so much prettier than me! No one will ever love me because they can always find someone prettier than me. Forever single. I hope that someday, someone will love me for who I am, not who I look like. All I know, is that that person, isn't here, in this place.


I was on my way bringing Liam's books & some chicken soup over to Liam's place when my mobile started ringing. I gently put the books on the grass and take the phone out of my pocket.

"Hey mum!"

"Hello, hunny! I'm gonna be gone for the next week on a business trip. Be careful at home and your dad is only an hour away if you have an emergency. I left my credit card on the kitchen counter for food and such! Love you! I'll call you in a couple of days! Bye!"

"Bye mum!" Um okay, that was unexpected. I stood there a couple seconds in shock, but then I realized, this is a good thing! Liam can come over, when he feels better and spend the night! I can go shopping with my mum's credit card! And I can blast Adele songs and pour my heart out and sing my lungs out.

I picked Liam's books up and continued walking to his house, which was conveniently right next door.

I walk into the house and see Liam laying on the couch wrapped in a blanket, watching the t.v.

"Hey Liam! How's it going?" I put his books down on the counter and go sit on the other couch.

"Good. I just feel a bit under the weather. I'll be fine tomorrow!" He smiles.

"Okay good because I don't think I'll be able spend another day without you... In school." That first part made me sound like I love him or something crazy like that...

"Lauren, I have to tell you something." He looks deeply into my eyes.

At that moment, I felt something between me and Liam that I've never quite felt before. I felt loved.

"Yes, Liam." I smiled at him.

"I-I..." He looks at the ground.

"In other news, X-Factor auditions are coming to Wolverhampton! Sign up to try out today!" The annoying news lady says on the t.v.

"Liam you should try-out!"

"You think?" He asked.

"Yes! You're an amazing singer!" I smiled bigger at him!

"Ehh.. I guess-- wait when have you heard me sing?" He seemed embarresed.

When you stayed over my house last year, you were singing in the shower." I smirked.


"Yeah! But anyway, you should audition!"

"Okay, okay." He smiled at me.

"Yay!" I hopped off the couch and went over to hug him.

"Lauren get off! I'm sick!" He chuckled.

"I don't care! You're gonna do great!"

"Yeah...." He didn't seem very happy.

I pull away from my bear hug and look him in the eye. I've never really noticed, but Liam has really beautiful eyes. He's quite fit. Wait... What did I just say?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2012 ⏰

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