Trapped (Chapter 4)

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Serena felt like her sixth sense had gone off.

Her eyes popped open, and she was afraid to look in Steven's direction, suspecting she would find him staring at her.

"Are you awake?" she whispered, not turning around.

"Yeah," he said, his voice husky, but languid.

"Did you get a good sleep?"

"Sort of. Not really." She felt his energy shift. "I'm not sure back here is more comfortable," he said, sounding like he was beginning to sit up.

She turned in his direction then, despite her fright.

She saw that he had a slight smile on his face and it angered her a bit—was he laughing at her?

"What are you grinning at?" she asked, sitting up.

"I know what you're thinking," he said, his mouth still slightly upturned.

"How could you possibly know what I'm thinking?"

He stood up and she jumped.

She heard him chuckle as he went past her without touching her, heading toward the interior hatch opening to the front seats.

"I've known you for—what, four years now?" he said, turning back around to look at her.

She folded her arms. "Hardly. You're gone more than half the year. You spend—what, four months of the year here? With months in between each month you get to be home? And when you're here, we spend maybe a week of that time with you..."

"Right. So basically, you don't know what I'm capable of, and even though I know you'll never admit it, you're scared of me. As far as you knew, when I was gone, I was in some godforsaken country doing who-knew-what. As my dear friend Jason once so eloquently told you, I kill people for a living. You know I won't kill you, despite the many ways I'm capable of doing so because the very thing that keeps you safe is the thing that made you jump just now—the thing that has you at a different sort of disadvantage. But you shouldn't be afraid of me, Serena, you have to trust me; your survival depends on you trusting me." Then his voice lowered into a sort of a growl as he leaned toward her. "We both know I'm no longer some lion trapped behind a moral cage. The rules no longer apply with what's going on around us. You're still a mouse, but no longer out of my reach, so I don't blame your fear one bit. But I need you to trust me."

With that he disappeared through the hatch to the driver's seat.

* * *

Steven didn't bother to chastise himself for his lack of verbal control; Serena needed to hear every word he had said.

Her personality was coming back full force, and her analytic nature was making its reappearance.

But he'd had enough of her questions and pretending she wasn't vulnerable to him. Didn't she know he could tell her anything he pleased anyway, true or not?

Forty miles per hour. Ha! He should have said twenty-five was the top speed for the APC.

And he would stop for various reasons all right, and she was stuck with trusting him as to why.

Diesel, he'd say. Or to get some stuff from Target. Whatever.

He would find plenty of reasons to delay their arrival because he had lied to her, and not because he'd meant to, but because he had still been lying to himself up until just a few moments ago.

She was in danger. And it had nothing to do with the Morphs.

Serena had been able to deny him so much before, but now, she could deny him no longer, and he meant to take advantage of their circumstance—he had to satisfy his lust for her once and for all.

Trapped (Part One) - BWWM Dark Romance - Zombie ApocalypseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora