I'm Your Mother, Aren't I?

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It's late right now over here, REEEEAALLLLL late. But I'm bored and i feel like writing so.. yeah. Enjoy!


I untied my apron and hung it up on the hook in the kitchen, straightening out my shirt before shrugging into my coat and grabbing my bag.

I flicked off the lights, and walked into the main room, locking the cash register securely.

The bell rang, signalling someone had entered. "Sorry, I'm just closing up-" I look up to see a pretty caramel skinned girl with flaming red hair. Her eyes were red-rimmed, and her make up was smudged. She let out a sob as she sat in the nearest table.

I frowned, going to sit next to her. "What's wrong girl?" I question.

She sobs again. "I-I-I just b-broke up with my b-b-boyfriend."

I tutted. "Awe, sweetie. What happened?"

She wipes away a stray tear, and calms down a little. "Well, he wasn't exactly my boyfriend. It's gonna sound stupid, but we were sort of Friends With Benefits, you know what I mean?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I've seen the movie."

"So, he told me he'd been seeing this other girl, some hoe that lived up town or something, and said that he really liked her. He said he wanted to stop because it didn't feel right anymore. Then he just left."

I tutted again, shaking my head. "What a dick."

She nodded and a small sob escaped past her lips. "I'm Melissa."

"I'm Rie. Nice to meet you." I stuck my hand out to her, but instead of shaking it, she pulled me in for a hug instead.

"Thank you for letting me stay." She smiled as I bought her back a mug of cocoa and some tissues. "I tried staying in that McDonalds a couple blocks down but they kicked me out."

"Hey, us sisters have to look out for each other. Ecspecially in a world full of dicks." I sipped my cocoa, shaking my head.

Melissa laughed. She pulled a pen from her bag and scribbled her number down on a tissue, handing it to me. "Thanks." I smiled, taking it and putting it in my pocket.


I was serving at the cash register when a tall handsome man walked in. He was dark-skinned with a nice build. He had his hair shaved, and a neatly-trimmed beard around his tight jaw.

I smiled as he came over. "Can I help you?"

The man nodded. "My name is Cole Dylan, and I heard from somebody that a boy called Princeton preforms here? Is that right?"

"Yes. Why?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Well, I'm the owner of a small record company, and I wanted to set up a gig for him. I've been looking for some fresh young talent to lauch my label."

"Seriously?" My eyes widened. I held up a finger. "Be right back. Don't move."

I paced to the back of the kitchen where Haley and Princeton were chatting. "Prince, get over here, now!"

He walked over looking slightly worried. "If it's about that sticky stuff under the fridge, it's just coke-"

"Nooo, wait, what? You split coke in my kitc- Ugh, nevermind that. You know how you're always talking about becoming famous and stuff?"

He nodded. I beamed. "Well, I've got the opportunity of a lifetime, waiting out there." I jabbed a thumb towards the cash register.

I brought him back out to Cole. He smiled at Princeton, shaking his hand. "I've heard alot of good things about you little man."

Princeton smiled gingerly. "You have?"

"Yeah. And you know what that means?"

"What?" Princeton glanced at me. I smiled reassuringly.

"That means that you're gonna be a star my man." Cole slapped him lightly on the shoulder. "A star!"

"No way.." Princeton breathed.

Cole looked to me then. "Are you his mother?"

I looked at Princeton awakwardly. "N-"

He cut me off. "Yeah, she is."

Cole nodded, handing me a small card with his details on it. "Call me when you've talked it over. Your son could be HUGE."

The words 'your son' rang in my head as Cole walked out.

"Your mother! Jacob, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking.."

"Damn right you weren't. Why did you lie?" I frowned, sitting down on the stool infront of the till.

Princeton sat down on the nearest chair. "Because.."

"Hm?" I said impatiently.

"Because my real mom is dead, alright? She died last year. And now I'm living with my aunt who doesn't even give me the time of day." He choked out.

I was caught of guard. "Oh my god, Prince, I'm sorry, I didn't know.." I trailed off.

"It's alright. I should have said something anyway."

There was a silence between us then. I broke it out of curiousity. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but, what happened? You know, to your mom?"

"She had been drinking when she was coming back from work, and she drove off a bridge." He sounded like he was in pain, and I winced at his words.

I came over to him and hugged him tightly. "Jacob?"

"Yeah?" He whispered in my neck.

"You can stay with me."

He pulled back. "What?"

"Your aunt won't mind. Just pack your stuff and come stay with me. I'm your mother aren't I?" I put on a stern act.

Princeton laughed. "Yes, mom. It's been a long time since I've called anyone that."

I smiled, and hugged him again.


Short, but sweet :3

Thank you for all the reads my lovelies, hugs and kisses to you all!

- shezz :*

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