New Girl In Bronx.

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Haaaaai, enjoy.. PS, this may be fairly short..


I was surpirsed to see Trey behind my front door when I answered it.

"Uh, hi?" I said awkwardly.

He suddenly grabbed my wrist and tugged me to his Mercedes. He unlocked it and got in.

"Trey, what the-" He cut me off.

"Get in."

I shook my head, stepping in and shutting the door. He started the engine as I pulled on my seatbelt.

"Where are we going?" I said, watching as we took and empty dirt road.

"I know where they are."

As soon as he said, I knew exactly what he meant. "What? You do?" I said excitedly.

He nodded, his eyes set on the road ahead. We were coming towards a narrow path, and at the end was a house. A HUGE house.

"We're gonna have to walk from here, Rie." He got out of the car and I did the same.

We walked down the pathway in silence until we reached the porch of the house. I raised my hand to knock, but Trey tugged it down.

He placed a finger to his lips, and motioned to follow him. He followed me to the back of the house, where bright green ivy grew intricate patterns up the brick wall. He walked to the back door and bent over to peel away a 'Welcome' mat. He revealed a small key.

My eyes widened as he simply unlocked the tall mahogany door, letting me in and shutting it as quietly as he could.

"Upstairs." He mouthed to me, and we creeped up a stairwell that lead to a corridor of many doors.

"The end one." He mouthed again.

Suddenly the door he had mentioned opened up, and a fragile looking Princeton walked out.

His expression lit up when he laid his eyes on us. He came over and hugged me and Trey.

"Rie! I missed you!" He breathed, running a hand through his slick black curls.

"Where's Melissa?" Trey asked we wearily walked back down the hallway.

Princeton shrugged, tensing. "I haven't seen her all morning."

We made it outside, and to the narrow pathway where we had left the car.

Trey was about to unlock the car, when we heard a malicious laughter from behind us.

"You idiots, you didn't think I'd notice a bright red Mercedes parked outside my house?" Melissa shook her head.

"Melissa, what do you want? Can't you just leave-"

"NO! Melissa this, Melissa that, JUST FUCKING SHUT UP. Why can't I have what I want for once?" She questioned, raking a hand through her messy red locks.

"What DO you want?!" I asked, tired of her delays.

"Him! My son! He's been passed around like the fucking flu, and he's never ben with his real mother. Just with this bitch here." She pointed at me, narrowing her eyes.

"Excuse me, BITCH, but aren't I the one that took him in when you handed him over to his aunt? Aren't the one that feed him, took care of him, LOVED him?" I inched closer to her with each word.

But my heart froze when I heard the sound of a gun being cocked.

She wipped it out, and I felt the cold butt pressed against my temple. My breaths came out short and quick, as Melissa eyed me with unsteady pupils. "What was that?" She taunted.

"Melissa, what the fuck are you doing?" Trey shouted.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP. Just.. just shut up okay?" Were my eyes fooling me, or was she crying?

Her face crumpled, tears spilling. I took this as my chance.

I placed a hand around her wrist, twisting so it was pulled up behind her back, and the gun had fallen from her grip. I kicked it away.

I twisted her arm higher, making her whimper. "Listen, bitch," My lips were to her ear. "You don't mess with me, you don't mess with my son, and you don't mess with the people I live, okay?" When she didn't reply I twisted tighter. "O-okay." She managed.

"Now, get you're skinny ass back home. I never want to see your face again, you hear?"

She nodded, and I released her. She quickly paced back to her house, and a few seconds later I heard her start her car and drive away.

"And that's how you do it, Rita Ellie Hugh style."

"Damn.." Trey and Princeton said in unision. "Where'd you learn how to do that?"

"My dad taught me a fee tricks. A girls gotta protect herself in New York." I dusted myself off.

They laughed, and we entered Trey's car.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as Trey drove away. It was a new message.

From Unknown

I guess you're lucky. Nobody was interested in you and Trey's story.

I shook my head.

To Unknown

Look, I don't know who the fuck you are, but you had no right to do that. But YOU'RE the lucky one. If I wasn't a child of God, I'd track you down and beat your ass. Okay? Got it? Good. Goodbye.

I clicked 'send' and when it was done I deleted all of the messages 'Unknown' had sent me.

No one messes with Rie anymore. Not after what happened.

New way of life.

New rules.

New bitch in Bronx.


Guess that wasn't as short as i had thought :D Did you like it? I liked writing it :) Sorry for typos in the previous chapter, and this one, love you guys! Mwah!

- shezz :*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2012 ⏰

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