chapter 12 - fake waiter

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"So I'll pick you up at six then?"

I pulled the phone away from my ear for a moment, staring at the receiver in dismay. Bringing my hand up to my mouth, I chewed on the back of my knuckle- a nervous habit.

"Sure." I finally said, my voice lacking any enthusiasm. I tried again. "That sounds great."

I could practically hear Scott's smile through the phone. "See you soon."

Hanging up quickly, I threw the phone down onto the rug and rolled over onto my stomach, burying my face into my pillow and groaning loudly. My shouts were muffled by the fabric, but still did nothing to make me feel better.

I had agreed, rather reluctantly, to go on a date with Scott. Because I was normal and he was normal too, so it only made sense that two normal people be together and go on normal dates. I was tricking myself by hanging around with Niall. He was different and interesting and I tried to believe that I was too.

But it was just one big facade, and I was embarrassing myself. He needed some bad ass girl with her hair dyed red, who liked being touched and didn't suffer from panic attacks in crowded places. And I needed someone who wouldn't tie balloons to me and force me into situations where I'd punch people in the face. Besides, I had been avoiding him for the past couple days, after punching his friend in the face. Niall said I would be fine, that he wouldn't bother me, but I screwed up. I kept screwing up, and it needed to stop.

"You look nice," my mom commented, peering at me from over the book she was reading when I clomped down the stairs. "Going out?"

"With a boy." I replied. A look of concern immediately crossed her face.

"Not with that Niall kid, right?" she asked sharply, red lips bunching in distaste. "I told you to stay away from that boy, he's nothing but trouble. Why can't he keep his hair a normal color? His parents really ought to discipline him. Maybe put him in a long sleeve to cover those tattoos."

I sighed, pressing my forehead against the front window as I waited for my ride. My breathe fogged the glass over, hiding my expression. At the sound of her words, my cheeks burned, blood boiling with the unknown urge to defend him.

"You know what, mom?" I declared, annoyance evident in my voice. "I know you want everyone to be a carbon copy of you, but it's fine to be a little different. And in fact- I rather like his tattoos."


"You look very pretty tonight, Abbey." Scott said, smiling at me from across the table top. We were seated in the corner of a small noodle restaurant in town, a small candle flickering between us. Eerily cheesy and oddly romantic for a first date. I wanted to leave.

"Thanks." I said slowly, struggling with a reply. "So do you." I mentally smacked myself in the forehead when I saw his smile falter. Scrambling to fix the problem, I stammered. "I mean, you don't look pretty. You look uh- nice, in a male. How guys look pretty."

Scott was nice, no doubt about it, the typical nice guy that parents would want their daughters to date. But he lacked personality and spoke in the same monotone voice that made me want to rip my hair out. The night so far had been polite small talk and me discreetly checking the clock. And I kept feeling overwhelming guilt about Niall. Sure, we weren't officially dating. But it felt like cheating.

"Are you two ready to order?"

I glanced up at the waitress who had appeared beside out table, giving him a polite smile as he stood poised with a pen on a tiny notepad. And then I did a double take.


"What the fucking hell." I exclaimed automatically, eyes widening at the sight of him. Immediatly I clamped a hand over my mouth, embaressed by my outburst.

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